Wood 2014

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Wood 2014 par Mind Map: Wood  2014

1. Rabbit Holes Minimize

1.1. Web Site MW likes...get links

1.2. http://www.tropicisleconstruction.net

1.3. March 1 to 15 window

2. Adwords

2.1. Partnership explore

2.1.1. FLK does all and costs

2.2. Add value and bring to the table

2.3. Ideas

2.4. Use story for key words

3. WIP

3.1. Video

3.1.1. FLK links http://forrest-kennedy.com/

3.2. Web collab practice

3.2.1. http://www.mindmeister.com/363845269/wood-20

3.3. http://www.tropicisleconstruction.net

3.4. Take camera, usb, tablet

3.5. MW writing skills

3.6. Me test public edit and note