Componentes en la planeación y diseño de una secuencia de aprendizaje con apoyo tecnológico: Buil...

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Componentes en la planeación y diseño de una secuencia de aprendizaje con apoyo tecnológico: Building effective blended learning programs (Harvey Singh) par Mind Map: Componentes en la planeación y diseño de una secuencia de aprendizaje con apoyo tecnológico: Building effective blended learning programs (Harvey Singh)

1. d) Blending Custom Content with off-the shelf Content

1.1. Generic content is less expensive and easier to access.

2. e) Blending learning, practice and performance support

2.1. Face to face classes

2.2. Face to face classes

2.3. On line activities

2.4. Job tasks

2.5. Tutorials

2.6. Homeworks

3. a) Blending Offline and Online Learning

3.1. Offline forms

3.1.1. Library

3.1.2. Science laboratory

3.2. Online forms

3.2.1. Web pages

3.2.2. Social networks

4. b) Blending Self-Paced and Live, collaborative learning

4.1. individual activities

4.2. Collaborative team work

5. c) Blending Structured and Unstructured learning

5.1. Formal learning program

5.2. Unstructured activities (disccussion)

6. Khan´s Octagonal Framework: represents a category of issues that need to be addressed : Institucional, pedagogical, technological, interface design, evaluation, management, resource support, and ethical.

7. Definition

7.1. Blended learning is a model that combine various delivery modes (on line and classroom)

8. Benefits

8.1. Extending the reach, Optimizing Development, Cost and Time, Evidence of the efectiveness.