Separating Substances

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Separating Substances par Mind Map: Separating Substances

1. Step 3: Hold the cloth bag over the container and pour the mixture into the bag. The sand is now separated from the salt solution.

2. Separating: Sand and Water.

3. Step 2: Use the Aluminium Foil and make a stable container.

4. Step 1: Separate the insoluble solids and water. (Sand and Water) The filtrate obtained is salt water. The residue is the sand.

5. Step 4: Heat up the salt water in the container under a bunsen burner. Cover the top of the aluminium container with a piece of aluminium foil wrapped around the wire in a shape of a spoon.

6. Step 5: Place a wet cloth over the top of the aluminium foil covering the container to provide a cool surface for the water vapor to condense onto the aluminium foil.

7. Step 6: The water collected at the end of the "spoon" is now pure distilled water.