Mind Map Of Lesson 9

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Mind Map Of Lesson 9 par Mind Map: Mind Map Of  Lesson 9

1. Section 8: This section was mainly talking about education. Sadly the poor kids didn't go to school instead they had to work. The rich got to go to school. Its not really school its just a few kids having one tutor. Roman boys learned Latin, Greek, math, science, literature, music, and public speaking. They typically became soldiers, doctors, politicians, or lawyers. Girls might become dentists, real estate agents, or tutors. Some female slaves or freedwomen could become midwives (nurses who helped with childbirth).

2. Section 9: Was talking about Romes Recreation. The slaves of course did work while the rich watched plays and sporting events. It seems like the Roman rulers tried to keep the poor as entertained as possible. Most people other then slaves went into the circus maximus to watch races, while the poor did work. When in the Colosseum the Roman Men and Woman had to sit separate. So to me it seems like the rich and poor have a little things alike.

3. Section 7: Was talking about the different homes the rich and poor could have, poor had small dark apartments, while the rich had bigger more spacious homes. And the rich homes were huge they had marble walls with glass ceilings and indoor pools. The rich could have many guests over for dinner and still have room in their home. Poor people had barley any room and could barely have guests.

4. Section 5: Talked about how families worked around the house and what they did. The father of the house had to provide for everybody. The mother of the house ran the house, like she bought and trained slaves. The Roman Babies were born right in their home Romans only kept the strong healthy babies. Teenagers back then got to celebrate turning into a man, and teenage girl turned an adult when they got married.

5. Section 6: was talking about what the Romans usually eat and or drink. The food you ate depended on the persons or families wealthiness. The main foods in ancient Rome were bread, beans, spices, a few vegetables, cheeses, and meats. The Favorited drinks were water or hot water with herbs. For Breakfast Romans usually ate bread. For dinner they ate usually fish or richer foods. The market has mostly food for the rich people. Most poor people gad to gather their own food.

6. Section 10: Was talking about Romans Country Life. 90 percent of Romans actually Lived in the Country so now you can imagine how many people there must be in Rome. Wealthy Romans of course got it all in the country almost all they need. The Wealthy Romans had there own farm in which they made slaves work at. Slaves also lived in the country just not as luxurious

7. Section 2: Is mainly talking about have and where people lived, and what they did for entertainment. Most poor people in Rome lived in tiny apartments while merchants and such lived in normal houses. The people of Rome didn't have much entertainment so they did chariot races and gladiator contests.

8. Section 3: Was talking about the Roman Laws and government. How the senate still meets, and senators still have high rights in the society. And important senators have their own bodyguard to protect them. Rome had strict lawns that had to be followed or else you would get punished by the roman police. They thought all citizens had to have the same rules to follow so they did.

9. Section 4: Is talking about the Romans Religion. the Romans adopted many Greek gods. They also adopted gods from other cultures to create their own group of gods. The Romans thought that the gods controlled their every day life. When people were sick or hurt they got small gifts to make them feel better. Rome had Holy days to honor their gods ans what they have done for them. Most homes had their own gods they worshiped which they pray to daily.