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SDV par Mind Map: SDV

1. Decisions

2. Make a form

2.1. Different types of languages

2.2. Interface layout and different toys

2.3. Help menu

3. Variables

3.1. Data Types

3.1.1. Boolian

3.1.2. String

3.1.3. Interger

3.1.4. Decimal

3.1.5. Single

3.1.6. Date

4. loops

5. Error Traping

6. Arrays

7. Stuff

7.1. Random

7.2. Counters

8. input output types

9. Design

9.1. Naritive

9.2. Screen shots

9.3. Control Definition Table

9.4. Data Definition Tables

9.5. Strategy

9.6. Structured English/Pseudocode

10. Sequence

11. Passing data (byval, by ref)

12. Functions / Modules

13. Variables 2

13.1. Var Types

13.1.1. Block

13.1.2. Local (Procedure)

13.1.3. Module

13.1.4. Public (global, namespace)

14. Logic operators