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Post Secondary Option par Mind Map: Post Secondary Option

1. Vocational Training Schools

1.1. These types of schools may be private or public. They incorporate careers as being the main thing, they prepare students for

1.1.1. 2 Years or less than 2 years.

2. Junior College

2.1. Similar to a Community College, but Junior College is private. Offer 2 year Associate Programs

3. Technical School

3.1. Teach the science behind the occupation. 2 Years or less than two years



6. Community College

6.1. A public 2- year college Must have you Graduate Degree

6.1.1. Some transfer to a four year school because a four- year college can be expensive.

7. University

7.1. Bachelors and Master's degree Ex. SDSU ( South Dakota State University)

8. Private College