High School Graduation!

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High School Graduation! par Mind Map: High School Graduation!

1. Congradulations on your new job at the law firm!

2. Graduation Day

2.1. Getting the Job

2.1.1. Apply and make sure you make yourself Profesional.

2.1.2. Look the part: Like you have already gotten the job.

2.1.3. You have been working at this for 7+ years, you know what you are doing. You need to let them know you know what you are doing.

2.1.4. Be confident, friendly, and poised.

3. How long do I need to go to college?

3.1. Bachelors Degree

3.1.1. 4 year college or University Usually offer pre-law

3.2. 3 years of law School

4. What classes do I take?

4.1. law school

4.1.1. English

4.1.2. Economics

4.1.3. Foreign Languages

5. Where should I go to college?

5.1. Common Schools in Iowa

5.1.1. Drake

5.1.2. Iowa Central Community College

5.1.3. The University of Iowa