Healthy living

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Healthy living par Mind Map: Healthy living

1. Cleaning

1.1. stop germ spreading by

1.1.1. wash hands after toilet and before eating

1.1.2. take a shower or a bath wash your body with a lot of soap

1.1.3. brush your teeth for at lest 3 min with tooth past the size of a pie

1.1.4. Change clothes at lest every two days.You especially need to change underwear every day

1.1.5. by coughing or sneezing in your elbow

2. Relaxing

2.1. You can massage to relax

2.2. to take a walk is the best thing to do to relax

2.3. You can also just read


2.5. Sleeping

2.5.1. Children need to sleep 10 or more hours each day

2.5.2. You use energy when your sleeping for example when your breathing

2.6. you can do the 777 or more tecnec

3. food

3.1. Grains

3.1.1. grains are the energy giving food

3.2. Fruit

3.2.1. fruits help you go to the toilet

3.3. Vegetables

3.3.1. carrots help you see in the dark

3.4. Protein

3.4.1. protein helps your muscles grow and reapers your skin and grows hair

3.5. Dairy

3.5.1. It makes your bones and teeth strong

4. exercise

4.1. do 3 different types of sport flexibility,strength and stamina

4.1.1. stamina is when you can do sport for a longer time

4.1.2. it is the sport where you get most strength

4.1.3. flexibility is the sport that you loosen your musclus

4.2. you can see when your exercising if your heart is beating,if your face is red ,if your sweating and if your breathing deep and low