Local Babies & Global Science

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Local Babies & Global Science par Mind Map: Local Babies & Global Science

1. Chapter 8: Gender

1.1. The story of Moustafa

1.1.1. He had 2 wives. He divorced his first wife after having many failed attempts to have a child together. He then married a younger woman and they went through ICSI where there was finally a success. He was infertile and this is an example of a possible case of gender suffering.

1.2. Gender dynamics within marriage are one of the most fundamental arenas of constraint surrounding test tube baby making in Egypt.

1.3. New reproductive technologies are very misunderstood.

1.3.1. It causes much turmoil for relationships and implicates both the husband and wife.

1.4. "Whatever god gives"

1.4.1. What Egyptians feel is the determining factor for how many children a couple may have.

2. Chapter 9: Stigma

2.1. Definition: An attribute that makes one feel different from others in the category of persons available to be, and of less desirable kind.

2.2. Infertile Women

2.2.1. American women who are infertile feel as is they have broken some kind of cultural rule that is spoken and feel as if they are classified as an "other"

2.3. Infertile Men

2.3.1. Feel diminished and emasculated

2.3.2. Rarely feel under marital threat

2.3.3. They are rarely reminded or taunted by others regarding their manhood.

2.4. Even if a man in the one who is infertile, the man is never reminded of it, the woman is... then leading to stigma in the relationship.

2.5. Support: Egyptian women are more secretive and any help they seek is usually a secret and is usually done in silence