It's SHOCKI'N Eletricity

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It's SHOCKI'N Eletricity par Mind Map: It's SHOCKI'N Eletricity

1. What is eletricity

1.1. Electricity is a tipe of yellow thing on the wall and electricity is in a light bulp

2. How does eletcricity work

2.1. Electricy works by if you put a light bulp and then turn on the light swich then it will work.

3. How is eletcricity used?

3.1. phones

3.2. light bulb

4. how do you make a light bulb work without using

5. Science lab

5.1. In the science lab we learn about static elecricity we learnt that if you rub polla theme on a cloth it will be friction then after you rub it on cloth the paper goes on the polla theme