Carley: Some Stuff About Yours Truly

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Carley: Some Stuff About Yours Truly par Mind Map: Carley: Some Stuff About Yours Truly

1. Childhood

1.1. Only Child

1.1.1. Because I grew up with mostly adults, I’ve always been mentally older than I really am. My whole family has always called me “wise beyond my years” and that continues to be true today. This is also the reason why I’m constantly the baby everywhere I go.

1.2. Vacations

1.2.1. My family is odd, but they’re also very close. Since the dawn of time, my parents have been taking me on trips to different places around the country- mostly the warm ones, though. Our most common vacation spots were: the panhandle, the Florida Keys and the Caribbean. Sunny vacations were always the choice of my parents, and happen to be mine these days as well.

1.3. Pets

1.3.1. Unfortunately, my family has always had bad luck with pets. This is especially true with dogs; I’ve had five including the one that currently lazes around my home. Two had to be given away because of conflict and the other two passed from cancer and a car accident, respectively. Come to find out, I love cats, too! I have one little black kitty that loves to sit on me, no matter how inconvenient it is.

2. Workin' Girl

2.1. Past

2.1.1. I started working at Publix when I was 15 and only quit (because of poor hours and management) when I moved away to college three years later.

2.2. Present

2.2.1. Now, I work at an extended day program at an elementary school here in Orlando. Altogether, we have around 200 students to supervise and take care of. It’s a handful but I really enjoy what I do and I feel it is preparing me for what’s coming.

2.3. Future

2.3.1. With focus and drive, I'll be graduating in two years with a degree in elementary education. (That's a full year ahead of my class!) After that, I plan to move wherever my career takes me. Elementary education is my passion and I can't wait to get started!

3. Interests

3.1. Cooking

3.1.1. I've been cooking since I was big enough to stand on a stool and squeeze peeled tomatoes. In an Italian family, only two things matter: food and family. Food is equivalent of love, and that is a beautiful thing. I cook constantly and always experiment in the kitchen. No complaints yet!

3.2. Art

3.2.1. This is something else I've always been a fan of. I love being creative and designing things just for fun. Drawing is my favorite medium, because it's cheap, simple, and I can do it anywhere. Most recently, though, I created a large canvas collage piece for my apartment next year. The place of dreams: (click the arrow)

3.3. Video Games

3.3.1. Video games! Oh, what fun. I have been mashing away at controller buttons since "Snake" on my dad's old Nokia cell phone. Even now, I bought myself an old Nnitendo Gamecube for my birthday so I could play Pokemon games from when I was little. I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to these things, but it's just too much fun to resist.