It's Shocking

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It's Shocking par Mind Map: It's Shocking

1. Connection - What uses electricity?

1.1. TV

1.2. Rice cooker

1.3. Digital Technology

1.3.1. iPad

1.3.2. iPhone

1.4. Fan

1.5. AC

2. Story Characters

2.1. Pikachu

2.2. Electro

2.3. Iron Man

2.4. Robots

2.5. Gandalf

2.6. Thor

2.7. Odin

2.8. Electrical Joe?

3. Form - What is electricity?

3.1. something that gives power to allow devices ot work

3.2. It is almost everywhere

4. Function - How does electricity work?

4.1. goes through cables

4.2. goes through a cable into a device

4.3. gives power to things that need electricity

4.4. it activates by wires