genetically modified food crops.

Mind map project for upu0002 UPC

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genetically modified food crops. par Mind Map: genetically modified food crops.

1. Can we still afford it?

1.1. Are there cheaper or more efficient methods of food production.

1.2. Cost of GMF seeds vs Organic seeds. The cost to our farmers.

2. Should we consider the effects of chemicals used to help production?

2.1. Herbicides // pesticides // growth chemicals?

2.2. (Blog with interesting points on topic)

3. (Topic) The argument against genetically modified food crops is generally based around the unknown health implications to humans. With the world becoming rapidly overpopulated, is it still possible for humankind to be so choosey on food related matters if it is to feed its’ citizens?

4. Different methods of food production.

4.1. (Google searched (wiki source))

5. Process of developing genetically modified food

5.1. (African Biosafety Network of Expertise - ABNE)

6. Should The governmant introduce mandatory testing of these crops?

7. Argument Pro GMFC's

7.1. (diffrent points made by UC Santa Cruz)

7.2. (Forbes article)

7.3. (refrenced from the forbes article)