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Biodiversity par Mind Map: Biodiversity

1. vertebrates and invertebrates

2. flowering and non-flowering plants

3. Like kingdoms

4. stop releasing unwanted pet to the wild

5. Stopping introduction of non-native species

6. praticising 3 rs

7. How to preserve Biodiversity

8. Changes or loss of habitats

9. which classifies

10. Can be systematically studied using a Dichotomous key

11. Organisms

12. based on observable characteristics

13. includes variety within a smaller group

14. Invasion of other organisms of a kind

15. Diseases

16. Excessive hunting

17. provides resources like food,medicine and raw materials

18. to maintain a stable system in nature

19. why biodiversity is important

20. is the variety of life on earth

21. threats on biodiversity

21.1. Excessive hunting