How Dogs enrich our lives

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How Dogs enrich our lives par Mind Map: How Dogs enrich our lives

1. Longevity of life spans


2. Help relieve stress

2.1. Petting dogs helps relieve stress

3. Lower Blood Pressure


4. How they can use it?

4.1. Students can use this as a positive life choice idea

4.1.1. They can use it when thinking about getting a dog, sort of like a pro/con list

5. Music

5.1. A nice calm type of music

5.1.1. Music about dogs

6. Media

6.1. Add dog photos

6.1.1. Youtube videos about how dogs can enrich our lives

7. Narration

7.1. I will be narrating to the students

8. Storyline

9. Dogs provide companionship

9.1. Dogs need attention

9.1.1. Dogs are always there for you Sleeping with dogs is very comfortable

10. Exercise

10.1. Running

10.1.1. Walking dogs

11. Audience: Students in class

11.1. Teaching them about how dogs enrich their lives