Build-to-Suit Project Support

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Build-to-Suit Project Support par Mind Map: Build-to-Suit Project Support

1. Upcoming

1.1. SAS (San Antonio Station)

1.2. Pear Ave

1.3. Kirkland (Jim)

1.4. Irvine

1.5. Playa

1.6. MXC

1.7. BLD

1.8. AUS

1.9. ARB

1.10. PIT (Kristin)

1.11. WAT (Kristin)

1.12. NYC (Jim)

2. Resources

2.1. Project Tracking Docs Sheet

2.2. Transaction and Project Mgmt. swim lanes from PE Summit #2

2.3. 3/27 Boulder Mtg. Notes

2.4. Swim Lanes Document

3. Boulder Debrief

3.1. How is the language in the initial agreements resulting in collaboration?

3.1.1. Transaction and Project Mgmt. swim lanes from PE Summit #2

3.2. How do we need to incorporate lease admin?

3.3. At this time, is an upfront, light-touch approach the best for directing teams?

3.4. Is our greatest value add still optimizing high level management and process change?

3.5. Are there specific initiatives that we want to own and drive on these projects?

3.6. Notes & Next Steps from 3/27 Mtg w/ Robin, Caspar, Asim

4. PEs Supporting B2S Projects

4.1. Chris Alwan

4.2. Kristin Chiles

4.3. Jim Laumann