Professional Development, Guided Recommendations, Promising Practices

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Professional Development, Guided Recommendations, Promising Practices par Mind Map: Professional Development, Guided Recommendations, Promising Practices

1. c

2. Develop district leadership teams to infuse 21st century skills throughout the district

2.1. These teams will be backbone of growth in the district. Leadership teams will be bridge between old school learning and 21st century learning.

3. Train administrators around how to lead 21st century skills initiatives

3.1. Admininstrators need to show the interest and commitment to leading our schools movement into the 21st century.

4. Develop intensive teacher professional development programs that focus intentionally on 21st century skills instruction.

4.1. This is the knowledge that has to be shared with our educators. They need to be educated in what technologies are out there for teachers to use and taught and shown how to use them effectively in the classroom.

5. Develop professional learning communities around specific 21st century skills

5.1. This can be done by all teachers. Once they are exposed and shown the way. These can be right at every teacher's fingertips.

6. Invest in ICT (information, communication and technologies) excellence.

6.1. The school district has to invest in the future of the school. It has to start at the top. There has to be a program in place to get the "technology ball" rolling.

7. Build capacity

7.1. Teacher leaders can lead the learning of their colleagues through sharing of knowledge. They can use their classrooms as a demonstration room for new technologies.