Class Research Ideas

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Class Research Ideas par Mind Map: Class Research Ideas

1. World Cup

1.1. Bad aspects:

1.1.1. impacts of stadium in the cities

1.1.2. overcrowding of airports.

1.1.3. Overcrowding of tourists in cities and its impact on the services sector third sector is prepared? training people in their works to speak English in short time increase the capacity of hotels, restaurants, bakery ...

1.1.4. money laundering.

1.2. Good aspects

1.2.1. Tourism

1.2.2. Brazil will be the champion

1.2.3. Urban mobility projects

2. Agronomy (The importance of genetically modified croops).

3. Agronomy

3.1. Crops production: Differences in Brazil's and USA production.

3.2. corn

3.2.1. pests

3.3. The importance of genetically modified croops.

3.4. Food Crises

3.5. chain of food distribution (logistics)

3.6. The future of agriculture

3.7. Horticulture in the United States.

3.8. Agricultural insurance in USA

3.9. Agricultural subsidy in United States

3.10. management tools

4. Civil Engineering

4.1. Finite Element Method is a great subject

4.2. fundations

4.3. Green buildings

4.3.1. Sustentability

4.4. concrete structures

4.5. construction techniques in the U.S.

5. Engineering Management

5.1. Innovative production lines

5.2. How to have a good work environment

5.2.1. Behaviors

5.3. Quality tools

5.4. Physical arrangement

6. Protests in Brazil

6.1. increased public transportation fares

6.2. corruption

6.3. overspending with FIFA World Cup

6.4. participation of the people by midia's mass tools

6.4.1. midias mass influences