Samurai's Tale

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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Samurai's Tale par Mind Map: Samurai's Tale

1. Setting

1.1. Feudal Japan (Specifically Kai, Japan)

1.1.1. Taro was taken to Lord Akiyama's mansion in Kofuchu.

1.1.2. When it was time for Taro to move to another castle, he moved to Iida Castle in Ina district.

2. Theme

2.1. Coming of Age

2.1.1. Someone was stealing rice and when Taro caught the thief, he gave the thief a reasonable punishment unlike other people his age who would have probably given the thief a punishment that is not fair.

2.1.2. Taro was made a messenger and one of his first assignments was to go bring a message by HIMSELF to his lord's son.

3. Characterization

3.1. Direct

3.1.1. Taro is brave because he stood up to the other stable boy when he was hitting the horse.

3.2. Indirect

3.2.1. Taro is scared in the beginning of the book because he was captured and was alone.