Students can demonstrate why physical and behavioral adaptations effect chances of survival of di...

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Students can demonstrate why physical and behavioral adaptations effect chances of survival of diverse life forms within different environments. par Mind Map: Students can demonstrate why physical and behavioral adaptations effect chances of survival of diverse life forms within different environments.

1. Students identify life forms within deserts.

1.1. Write a journal describing your visit to the desert and sketch some of the observations of life forms you found there.

2. Students identify life forms within forests.

2.1. Create a poster showing different life forms found in a specific type of forest.

3. Students identify life forms within the tundra.

3.1. Create a Picasa album showing some of the life forms you identified on your trip to the tundra.

4. Students identify life forms within grasslands.

4.1. Create a blog describing your trip to the grasslands and what life forms you observed.

5. Students identify life forms within wetlands.

6. Behavioral adaptations effect survival in different environments.

6.1. Create a brochure on one an animal and describe how a special behavioral adaptation has effected its survival.

7. Physical adaptations effect survival in different environments.

7.1. Create a glogster poster showing how an animal has physically adapted to their environment over time.

8. Students identify life forms within the oceans.

8.1. Create a newspaper article describing what animals you saw on a submarine trip.