Tel Jones: MATTER

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Tel Jones: MATTER par Mind Map: Tel Jones: MATTER

1. Melting Point

1.1. Def: Temperature at which liquid changes to sold

1.2. My Def: When solid changes to liquid

1.3. Ex: Water melts at and temperature above 32 degrees F.

2. Boiling point

2.1. Def: When a substance boils

2.2. My Def: What temperature a liquid boils and turns to a gas

2.3. Ex: Water boils at 212 degrees F.

3. Physical Properties

4. Conductivity

4.1. Def: Materials ability to allow heat to flow

4.2. My Def: How easily heat flows through an object

4.3. Ex: Copper is a good conductor

5. Malleability

5.1. Def: Ability of a solid to be hammered with out shattering

5.2. My Def: A solid being able to change shapes with out breaking

5.3. Ex: Play dough is a solid and is very malleable

6. Viscosity

6.1. Def: The tendency of a liquid to keep fro flowing

6.2. My Def: How hard it is for a liquid to flow

6.3. Ex: Honey has a high viscocity

7. Hardness

7.1. Def: Which of 2 materials can scratch the other

7.2. My Def: how easy a material is scratched

7.3. Ex: Diamond is one of the hardest natural substances

8. Density

8.1. Def: Ratio of mass to volume

8.2. My Def: How much mass compared to how much volume

8.3. Ex: Solids have a higher density than gasses

9. Chemical Properties

10. Flammability:

10.1. Def: Ability to burn in the presence of oxygen

10.2. My Def: How easy it is for something to burn

10.3. Ex: Gasoline is very flammable

11. Reactivity

11.1. Def: How readily a substance combines with other substances

11.2. My Def: How easily an item will combine with something else

11.3. Ex: Oxygen with iron and water will react and make rust