Why I learn English?

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Why I learn English? par Mind Map: Why I learn English?

1. In general, the universal language on the Internet is the English.

2. For admission to a good university

3. Many instructions from household appliances in the English language

4. Traveling to different countries. With knowledge of English would be easier

5. It is very important for medicine

6. Well, knowing English will make you bilingual and more employable in every country in the world.

7. Because it's fun!

8. Many books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, technology, sports, pop music and advertising have the English as the dominant language.

9. You can make a lot of friends from other countries

10. Learning English will open your job prospects and increase your standard of living.

11. English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company within your home country or of finding work abroad.

12. English is not only useful — it gives you a lot of satisfaction.