
Brainstorming for recycling

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Recycling par Mind Map: Recycling

1. The cycle of recycling

2. Recyclable materials

2.1. Glass

2.2. Paper

2.3. Metal

2.4. Plastic

2.5. Textiles

2.6. Electronics

3. Three keywords

3.1. Reduce

3.2. Reuse

3.3. Recycle

4. Sorting

4.1. Consumer

4.2. Transport

4.3. Processing

5. The Future of Green Moving

5.1. Cheaper To Produce

5.1.1. Last Longer

6. Intresting

6.1. 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours

6.2. 70% less energy is required to recycle paper compared with making it from raw materials

6.3. 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes