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Calpurnia par Mind Map: Calpurnia

1. Beliefs and Values

1.1. "How'd you and Mister Jem like to come to church with me tomorrow?"

1.1.1. RELIGION - Religion is a major aspect of Maycomb. Everyone in the town goes to some sort of church service, whether they are black or white. Faith is very important to Calpurnia and she is proud of her faith, hence taking Jem and Scout to the church service with her. She wanted to show them a bit about her and her life.

1.2. "I don't want anybody sayin' I don't look after my children,' she muttered.

1.2.1. Another belief Calpurnia had was to look after and be a mother figure for Jem and Scout. Despite Scout and Calpurnia's fights deep down she loved them and wanted the best for them. In this quote she refers to them as 'my' children. She treats them as her own children and they sort of see her as a mother figure.

1.3. "It doesn't matter, its the same God ain't it?"

1.3.1. RACIAL EQUALITY - This quote shows readers that Calpurnia believes in racial equality because of the reason that everyone comes from the same God. She is trying to express that when it comes down to it the Blacks and the Whites are not that different and that it is possible for the two races to become one.

2. how others see her

2.1. part of the finch family

2.1.1. "Alexandra, Calpurnia's not leaving this house until she wants to. You may think otherwise, but i couldn't have got along without her all these years. She's a faithful member of the family and you'll have to simply accept things the way they are..." Pg 137 Calpurnia very much acts like the mother figure in the Finch family. Without Calpurnia, Atticus would have struggled to take care of the children, as well as balancing his work. This is why she is viewed as irreplaceable by Atticus.

2.2. Strong presence

2.2.1. "I had felt her tyrannical presence as long as I could remember." Pg 6 The children see Calpurnia as a major influence in there lives. She seems to always be watching them and guiding them, as though she was their mother or Atticus. The children view this as a bad thing towards the start of the book, but later realise that Calpurnia only wants the best for them.

2.3. strict

2.3.1. "She was always ordering me out of the kitchen, asking me why I couldn't behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older, and calling me home when I wasn't ready to come." Pg 6 Scout, at the beginning of the book, in her naivety, believes that Calpurnia is strict and "out to get her". In reality, as Scout learns later on, Calpurnia's actions are justified, and are for Scout's benefit

3. textual issues or concerns linked to the character

3.1. Torn between the white and black world

3.1.1. [Scout] "'Cal,' I asked, 'why do you talk nigger-talk to the- to your folks when you know it's not right?' [Calpurnia] 'Well, in the first place I'm black-' [Jem] 'That doesn't mean you hafta talk that way when you know better,"' said Jem. [Scout as narrator] "Calpurnia tilted her hat and scratched her head, then pressed her hat down carefully over her ears. 'It's right hard to say,' she said. 'Suppose you and Scout talked colored-folks' talk at home it'd be out of place, wouldn't it? Now what if I talked white-folks' talk at church, and with my neighbors? They'd think I was puttin' on airs to beat Moses.'" Pg 127 Calpurnia is the bridge between the white world and black worlds presented to us in TKAM. She is a pioneer for fairness and respect, and as a result of this her life is made much more difficult, and also percieved negatively by some people

3.2. Tom Robinson's Death

3.2.1. "Dill said Calpurnia and Atticus lifted Helen to her feet and half carried, half walked her to the cabin. They stayed inside a long time, and Atticus came out alone." Pg 261 After Tom's death Calpurnia acts as a massive support system for Helen. She helps her grieve, and rallies the black community to assist her with everyday life.

3.3. The children's upbringing

3.3.1. g "Calpurnia bent down and kissed me. I ran along, wondering what had come over her. She had wanted to make up with me, that was it. She had always been too hard on me, she had at last seen the error of her fractious ways, she was sorry and too stubborn to say so."Pg 75 All of Calpurnia's actions in TKAM are performed for the benefit of Scout and Jem. Calpurnia is harsh on them, and expects much from the children, but only because she wants them to grow up to become respectable people, who are considerate towards others.

4. Looks like

4.1. ''calpurnia was something else again. she was all angles and bones; she was near-sighted; she squatted; her hand was wide as a bed slat and twice as hard''

4.1.1. Of dark heritage

5. Acts like

5.1. Mother figure to Jem and Scout

5.1.1. "She was always ordering me out of the kitchen, asking me why I couldn’t behave as well as Jem when she knew he was older, and calling me home when I wasn’t ready to come. Our battles were epic and one-sided. Calpurnia always won, mainly because Atticus always took her side. She had been with us ever since Jem was born, and I had felt her tyrannical presence as long as I could remember."

6. Motivated by

6.1. morals and personal belief

6.2. Racial equality

6.2.1. she takes Atticus, Scout and Jem to the church trying to show them what her life is like. This also promotes a theme in the book that she tries promote, the theme that you should not judge someone before you step into there shoes and see what life is like through there eyes