Causes of Globalization 3.0

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Causes of Globalization 3.0 par Mind Map: Causes of Globalization 3.0

1. Steroids

1.1. Wireless devices that lets us communicate over the world and is flattening it.

1.1.1. cell phone

1.1.2. ipood

1.1.3. mp3 players

1.1.4. laptops

2. The internet

2.1. a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet Protocol Suite(TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide.

2.1.1. World Wide Web

2.1.2. Internet Explorer

2.1.3. Mozilla Firefox

2.1.4. Opera

3. Uploading

3.1. Allows us to share information over the internet

3.1.1. Youtube

3.1.2. myspace

3.1.3. facebook

3.1.4. twitter

3.1.5. New node

4. Insourcing

4.1. The business practice of using current personel or resources for new tasks and projects.

4.1.1. Paypal

4.1.2. UPS

4.1.3. HP

4.1.4. FedEx

5. Offshoring

5.1. Sending whole companies overseas.

5.1.1. This would be one of the leading causes of globaization

6. End of the Cold War

6.1. Opened up new economies that were not available before.

6.1.1. Fall of the Berlin Wall

7. Supply Chaining

7.1. supply chain is a network of retailers, distributors, transporters, storage facilities, and suppliers that participate in the production, delivery, and sale of a product to the consumer.

7.1.1. walmart

7.1.2. home depot

7.1.3. Ford motors

7.1.4. lowes

8. Workflow Software

8.1. The ability to communicate with people all over the world.

8.1.1. computer to printer

8.1.2. internet to computer

9. Outsourcing

9.1. Outsourcing is sending american jobs overseas for cheaper labor.

9.1.1. mcdonalds

9.1.2. most cell phone companies

9.1.3. telemarketers

10. In-Forming

10.1. informing is basically the information withheld by a search engine.

10.1.1. google

10.1.2. yahoo

10.1.3. bing

10.1.4. msn

10.1.5. ask jeeves