Dean's Self-care

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Dean's Self-care par Mind Map: Dean's Self-care

1. Context

1.1. Social

1.1.1. Wife

1.1.2. Employees

1.1.3. Health Care Workers

1.1.4. Therapy Professionals

1.2. Cultural

1.2.1. Middle-aged Man

1.2.2. Motorcycles

1.2.3. Manager

1.2.4. Neurodegenerative Disease

1.2.5. Married Man

1.3. Institutional

1.3.1. Insurance

1.3.2. Hospital

1.3.3. Employment Agency

1.4. Physical

1.4.1. Home

1.4.2. Hosptial

1.4.3. Shipping Facility

1.4.4. Self-Care Objects

1.4.5. Transportation Equipment

2. AT

2.1. Mobile Arm Support

2.2. Wheelchair

2.3. Splints

2.4. Communication Devices

2.5. Switches

3. How can we help Dean participate in washing his face?

3.1. Equipment

3.1.1. Mount

3.1.2. Plate (pressure sensor)

3.1.3. Guitar hero

3.1.4. Mobile arm support

3.1.5. Switch latch

3.2. What are we going to do?

3.2.1. Dean in seated position

3.2.2. Arms supported in MAS (lateral supports)

3.2.3. Arms supinated, resting on elbows

3.2.4. Mounts placed behind Dean, extended over his shoulders, close to his face

3.2.5. Plates attached to the mounts and inserted into switch latch

3.2.6. Intermittent practice of putting pressure on plates corresponding to game, simulating washing face Frequent breaks Multiple repetitions

3.2.7. Reflecting on treatment Make adjustments as needed

4. Human

4.1. Affective

4.1.1. Fear

4.1.2. Anxiety

4.1.3. Hopelessness

4.2. Interests

4.2.1. Motorcycles

4.2.2. Guitar Hero

4.2.3. Singing

4.3. Roles

4.3.1. Husband

4.3.2. Manager

4.3.3. Patient

4.4. Cognitive

4.4.1. Unimpaired

4.5. Physical

4.5.1. Prior good health

4.5.2. 54 years old

4.5.3. Male

4.5.4. Guillain Barre Unable to move against gravity Can wiggle distal extremities Requires eyelids taped open Vent dependent

5. Activity

5.1. Personal hygiene

5.2. Grooming