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project par Mind Map: project

1. unit_2

1.1. incentves:If your mom wants you to mow the lawn but you don't feel like it, she might offer to treat you to ice cream after as an incentive. An incentive is something that stimulates you to take action or work harder.

1.2. esteem:Esteem is all about respect and admiration. If you have high self-esteem, it means you like yourself. When you say, "My esteemed colleagues," you are saying you have nothing but the highest respect for them.

1.3. motivation:People often need motivation to do tasks they'd prefer not to do. Do you work? Your motivation is your paycheck. Lost something? Finding it may provide motivation to tidy the house.

1.3.1. video

1.4. rewarded:A reward is something you get for a job well done. If you study hard for that vocabulary test, an "A" might be the reward in your future.

1.5. theories:A theory is a set of accepted beliefs or organized principles that explain and guide analysis and one of the ways that theory is defined is that it is different from practice, when certain principles are tested. For example, you could be a musician who plays well but who doesn't have a lot of experience with the theory of music. This word is a noun and comes from the Greek theoria, which means "contemplation or speculation."

1.6. threatened:Threatened is a state where one aims to take hostile deed against somebody in retribution for something done or not done. It may also mean being on the verge of becoming extinct.

1.7. perks:To stick up or jut out: dogs' ears that perk.

1.8. pessimistic:Pessimistic describes the state of mind of someone who always expects the worst. A pessimistic attitude isn't very hopeful, shows little optimism, and can be a downer for everyone else.

1.9. hierarchy:Hierarchy describes a system that organizes or ranks things, often according to power or importance. At school the principal is at the top of the staff hierarchy, while the seniors rule the student hierarchy.

1.10. creative:Creative has to do with new things coming into being: creative is the opposite of destructive.

2. unit_4

2.1. authority:If you have the authority to do something, you have the right or power to do it. You are the big cheese. Or, if you know more about a topic than most, you are an authority on that topic.

2.2. collectivist:Collectivism is any philosophic, political, religious, economic, or social outlook that emphasizes the interdependence of every human.

2.3. diversity:When there's diversity, there's variety. Often, this word is used for diversity of race, class, or gender.

2.4. globalization:Globalization is the process of ideas, products, and people moving around the planet with greater ease and efficiency. Globalization takes advantage of cheaper labor in less developed nations but increases free trade between nations and the free flow of capital.

2.5. logical:Logical describes something that comes from clear reasoning. Using a fire extinguisher to put it out a fire is a logical step. Trying to put it out with gasoline is not.

2.6. particularist: whilethe pull in the particularist direction need not go all the way back to Joseph Fletcher's situation ethics,

2.7. multinational: A Multinational Survey to Evaluate the Proportion of Patients Achieving Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Goals.

2.7.1. video

2.8. universalists: universalists to something like a religious course, if they did not mean indeed to identify their cause with infidelity.

2.9. stereotype:A stereotype is a preconceived notion, especially about a group of people. Many stereotypes are racist, sexist, or homophobic.

2.10. individualist:If you’re an individualist, you think for yourself and do things your own way — you have the individualist values of independence and creativity.

3. unit_5

3.1. candidate: A candidate is someone running for political office — or anyone being considered for a position or opportunity of some sort.

3.2. quit: To quit means to stop doing something. You might quit a lousy job or quit smoking cigarettes.

3.3. junior: used of living things especially persons) in an early period of life or development or growth

3.4. shortlist: The following is a short list of war stories that either I have personally encountered or a client has shared with me over the years.

3.5. vacancy: Vacancy refers to something being unoccupied. If a hotel has vacancies, there are rooms available.

3.6. referee: That guy on the field in black and white stripes? He's a referee, an official in a sport like football or basketball who enforces the rules.

3.7. weaknesses:The point where something fails to work properly or to hold up is its weakness. If a building crumbles in a storm, it's probably because of a weakness — a flaw or defect — in its structure.

3.8. job interview: An interview to determine whether an applicant is suitable for a position of employment

3.9. headhuntersTwo headhunters who vet executives for these cushy spots occupied center stage at a Tuesday lunchtime program hosted by The Conference Board.:

3.10. psychology: Psychology refers to the study of human behavior and the human mind, or the mental attitude of a group. Your parents will find it hard to understand the psychology of the teenager.

4. unit_6

4.1. quota: A quota is a specific number of things. If a quota is placed on the total number of apples each visitor can pick at an orchard, it means that once you've picked a certain number of apples, you have to stop.

4.2. ratio: A ratio is the relationship in quantity or degree between two things: “The ratio of men to women on the construction site was ten to one.” This means there were ten men present and one woman.

4.3. sacked: The council has also sacked the police chief and head of the Department of Special Investigations – Thailand's FBI.

4.4. sexist: A sexist is someone who discriminates on the basis of gender. Sexist people and laws are unfair.

4.5. gender: The noun gender refers to the state of being male or female. Danica Patrick is someone who has broken many gender barriers by being a successful female race-car driver in a male-dominated sport.

4.6. accountability: If you take responsibility for your own actions, you show accountability. Stepping up and admitting it when you break something shows accountability

4.7. appointed: To be appointed is to be given a task or job. If you're appointed as the week's doughnut fetcher at work, it means you've been assigned the job of bringing treats for everyone.

4.8. strategic: Desperate to trap Road Runner, Wile E. Coyote comes up with a strategic plan, meaning a plan designed to achieve a specific goal.

4.9. equity: Equity is the state or quality of being fair. In classrooms, it's important to establish equity as any hint of unfairness turns everyone against the teacher.

4.10. consumer: A consumer is someone who buys or consumes, or uses up, something. An economy could not keep functioning without consumers.

5. unit_1

5.1. distributors:A distributor is a person engaged in distributing information about

5.2. resign:When people resign, they're leaving something, like a job or political office. Congressmen resign after a scandal

5.3. resources:A resource is any personal talent or outside supply that can be tapped for help or support

5.4. tasks:A task can be big or small, easy or really hard — but it's never more than a job that needs to get done

5.5. profitsA profit is money you make, as opposed to money you lose. Also, anything good profits you — it benefits you:

5.6. collegues:A colleague is someone you work with at your job. When you are a teacher, the other teachers are your colleagues. When you work as a cashier at 7-11, the guy at the deli counter is your colleague as well.

5.7. senior:You can use the word senior to describe anyone who's older than you are. You might say, "My brother is six years my senior," especially if you want to make him feel old

5.8. human skills:Human relation skills are based on understanding and adjustments of each other

5.9. communication:communication is at the heart of good relationships. Communication is the process of giving information or ideas to someone, as by using words, actions, or sounds

5.10. analyzing:To analyse (analyze is U.S. English) something is to consider it in detail so you can figure out its workings or meaning.

6. unit_3

6.1. autonomous:Autonomous describes things that function separately or independently. Once you move out of your parents' house, and get your own job, you will be an autonomous member of the family.

6.2. budget:A budget is a sum of money set aside and divided up to cover particular expenses. Like allotting certain amounts for food, rent, movies, and manicures every month to make sure you don't run out of cash

6.3. cooperate:When you cooperate, you work together. You can cooperate with the police by telling them everything you know about your neighbor’s pet leopard, or your preschooler can cooperate with you by doing everything you tell him to do, now!

6.4. conflicts:A conflict is a struggle or an opposition. If you and your best friend both fall in love with the same person, you will have to find some way to resolve the conflict.

6.5. factory:A factory is a big building in which products are made, like Willie Wonka's fictional Chocolate Factory, which was famous for producing (among other sweets and treats) the one-of-a-kind Everlasting Gobstopper.

6.6. merger:When two companies become one company, they've had a merger. A merger is like a marriage for things other than people.

6.7. hierarchical:If something is hierarchical it has clear levels of power and importance, such as a hierarchical corporation that has the boss at the top, or the hierarchical social order of junior high school popularity.

6.8. permission:If you give someone approval to do something, you are giving them permission. Think of the permission slip your parents sign to let you go on a field trip––they are approving your going on the trip.

6.9. delegate:Delegate lends an official air to passing off your work. If you don't like cleaning the bathroom, you can try to delegate that task to your little brother.

6.10. superior:The salesman boasted to his customer that the $1 million car was well worth the price because it was far superior, meaning of higher quality, to any car that had come before it. This car, the salesman bragged, could fly.