Idea Generation - Kindness 2 Group 1

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Idea Generation - Kindness 2 Group 1 par Mind Map: Idea Generation - Kindness 2 Group 1

1. Weather

1.1. cloudy day

1.1.1. It was a cloudy day.

1.2. windy

1.2.1. A gust of wind blew passed John.

1.2.2. started feeling cold

1.3. rainy day

1.3.1. umbrella John was carrying a umbrella.

1.3.2. raincoat John did not wear a raincoat. got wet

1.3.3. John felt very cold because he was caught in the rain,

1.4. Stormy day

1.4.1. It was a stormy day

1.4.2. raining cats and dogs

1.4.3. lightning

1.4.4. thunder

2. Feelings

2.1. sick

2.1.1. fever

2.1.2. flu

2.1.3. Cough

2.2. sadly

2.3. boring

2.4. uncomfortable

3. Character

3.1. John