The Evolution of Cooperation

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The Evolution of Cooperation par Mind Map: The Evolution of Cooperation

1. Case studies af (agent-baserede) modeller

1.1. Epstein & Axtell

1.1.1. Sugarscape (1996)

1.1.2. Cyber-Anasazi (2000)

1.2. Axelrod: The Complexity of Cooperation (1997)

1.2.1. Genetiske algoritmer (kapitel 1)

1.2.2. Stabilitet af normer via meta-normer (kapitel 3)

1.2.3. Cultural Dissemination (kapitel 7)

2. Poundstone: Prisoner's Dilemma

3. Intro til Complexity

3.1. Rauch: Seeing Around Corners (2002)

3.2. Vicsek: Complexity - The Bigger Picture (2002)

3.3. Mitchell: Complexity: A Guided Tour (2009)

3.3.1. What is Complexity (kapitel 1)

3.3.2. Diskussion af Axelrod (kapitel 14)

4. Conways berømte Game of Life

4.1. Poundstone: The Recursive Universe (s. 1-32) (1984)

4.2. Mitchell: Complexity (kapitlerne 3-5, 8-10) (2009)

4.3. Holland: Genetic Algorithms (1972)

5. Introduktioner til ABM og CAS

5.1. Epstein & Axtell: Growing Artificial Societies (1996)

5.2. Holland: Complex Adaptive Systems (1992)

5.3. Miller & Page: Complex Adaptive Systems (2007)

5.4. Gilbert: Agent-Based Models (2008)

6. Schellings segregation model

7. Subjektivitet og læring

8. Modellernes karakter og status

8.1. Mitchell: The Past and Future of the Sciences of Complexity (2009)

8.2. Epstein: Why Model? (2008)

8.3. Axelrod: Advancing the Art of Simulation in the Social Sciences (2005)

8.4. Gilbert: Varieties of Emergence (Talk given 2002)

8.5. Gilbert: Agent-Based Social Simulation: Dealing with Complexity (2004)

8.6. Sugden: Credible Worlds: The Status of Theoretical Models in Economics (2002)

8.7. Miller & Page: Complex Adaptive Systems