My Ph.d.-Project

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My Ph.d.-Project par Mind Map: My Ph.d.-Project

1. Isaac Newton

1.1. The Logical Positivist Reading

1.2. The Space-Time Interpretation

1.3. DiSalle's Interpretation

2. Hans Reichenbach

3. Michael Friedman

4. On the Electrodynamic Origins of Relativity Theory

4.1. Hendrik Lorentz

4.2. Henri Poincaré

4.2.1. Elekricität und Optik, Einleitung (Poincaré om analytisk mekanik)

4.2.2. On the Dynamics of the Electron (1906)

4.3. Janssen & Mecklenburg: Electromagnetic Models of the Electron ...

4.4. Mekanik og variationsregning

4.4.1. Knudsen: Grundtræk af den analytiske mekanik (intro)

4.4.2. Greenwood: Advanced Dynamics

4.4.3. Landau & Lifshitz: Mechanics (undergraduate)

4.4.4. Lanczos: The Variational Principles of Mechanics (graduate)

4.5. Tensorer

4.5.1. Relativitetsteori og tensorer: McGlinn (2003), kapitel 1 - 4.

4.5.2. Landau & Lifshitz: The Classical Theory of Fields

4.5.3. Lovelock & Rund: Tensors, Differential Forms, and Variational Principles

5. Reconsidering Friedman

5.1. Ignatovsky's Derivation of Special Relativity