Course Syllabus

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Course Syllabus par Mind Map: Course Syllabus

1. Grading

1.1. Class discussions 20%

1.1.1. Detail 1

1.1.2. Detail 2

1.2. Quizzes and Tests 30%

1.2.1. Detail 1

1.2.2. Detail 2

1.3. Essays and papers 20%

1.3.1. Detail 1

1.3.2. Detail 2

1.4. Weekly assignments 30%

2. Rules of Conduct


2.2. Spend all class time productively

2.3. Take responsibility

2.3.1. turn in all work

2.3.2. Edit own writing

2.3.3. Look up unfamiliar words and write them down

3. Textbooks and Supplies

3.1. Discovering French Rouge

3.2. Le Petit Prince

3.3. RFI International

3.4. TV 5

4. Course Topics

4.1. Current events

4.2. Art and Literature

4.3. Grammar

4.3.1. Conditional and future

4.3.2. Subjunctive

4.3.3. Past conditional and Past Anterior

5. Description

5.1. Read literature critically

5.2. Listen to and discuss news

5.3. Research projects: Art, Issues, Culture

6. Course Objectives

6.1. Presentational: To improve written and Spoken French

6.2. Interpretational

6.2.1. to improve reading comprehension

6.2.2. Comprehension of broadcasts

6.3. Interpersonal

6.3.1. to discuss issues

6.3.2. To respond appropriately

7. Organization

7.1. Lectures and class discussions

7.1.1. Mondays

7.2. Homework

7.3. Quizzes

7.4. Tests