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Web 2.0 Tools par Mind Map: Web 2.0 Tools

1. Communication Tools

1.1. Twitter

1.1.1. Useful to get important information out to a large group.

1.2. Wallwisher

1.2.1. An online notice board maker.

1.3. ReadWriteThink

1.3.1. Tons of classroom resources and PD Goodies.

1.4. TimeToast

1.4.1. Timeline visualization tool to understand history.

1.5. ToonDooSpaces

1.5.1. Create and share comic strips.

1.6. Popplet

1.6.1. Easy way to share visual ideas.

2. Collaboration Tools

2.1. Edmondo

2.1.1. Social learning environment and one of the best ways to teach with technology.

2.2. GoogleDocs

2.2.1. Real-time document creating and editing

2.3. Flickr

2.3.1. Photo-sharing site that you are also able to print from.

2.4. Slideshare

2.4.1. Upload presentations and then share them with thousands.

2.5. Glogster

2.5.1. Share posters and images you've made with friends.

2.6. Prezi

2.6.1. Innovative way to share presentations without using powerpoint.

3. Creativity and Innovation Tools

3.1. Animoto

3.1.1. Creating videos from images very quickly

3.2. Story Jumper

3.2.1. Easy way for students to create stories and bring them to life.

3.3. DoInk

3.3.1. Create animations to assist in story telling

3.4. Bitstrips

3.4.1. Make and share your own comic strips

3.5. GoAnimate for schools

3.5.1. State of the art animation tools for schools.

3.6. Kerpoof

3.6.1. Cool way to make a movie, card, picture, and share it with all.

4. Critical thinking & Problem Solving Tools

4.1. Blabberize

4.1.1. You can upload images and then make them talk.

4.2. Tagxedo

4.2.1. Text can be used to build bigger images.

4.3. Smartkiddies

4.3.1. Creative math and other educational problems to help everyone learn.

4.4. PBworks

4.4.1. Thousands of educational wikis and workspaces (build your own)

4.5. Storybird

4.5.1. Build your own stories and share them with others.

4.6. Schoology

4.6.1. Learning management and online tools.