Making Learning Visible: the role of concept mapping in higher education

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Making Learning Visible: the role of concept mapping in higher education par Mind Map: Making Learning Visible: the role of concept mapping in higher education

1. concept mapping

1.1. graphic organizing tool

1.2. lesson planning

1.3. measure change (learning)

1.4. organize group work

1.5. share knowledge

2. Role of academics/integrating eaching with research

2.1. measure prior knowledge

2.2. deliberate presentation of new knowledge in context of students' prior knowledge

2.3. active engagement & purposeful disclosure of underlying knowlede & understanding

2.4. measurement of change (learning

3. purposes of concept mapping

3.1. ID prior knowledge

3.2. present new material

3.3. sharing of expert knowledge

3.4. documentation of knowledge change

4. Learning at the university level

4.1. Kolb, Learning cycle

4.2. Jarvis, Learning = personal change

4.3. Novak, Learning = cognitive change, developed Concept Mapping

4.4. Hay, Prior learning as scaffold for new learning