Melbourne Docklands History and Urban Regeneration Research Project

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Melbourne Docklands History and Urban Regeneration Research Project par Mind Map: Melbourne Docklands History and Urban Regeneration Research Project

1. Students photograph abandoned places and post them to a dedicated tumblr blog like:

1.1. SAMR

1.1.1. Augmentation

2. Create Interactive Map in Google Maps with GPS markers for significant sites. Students can use their smartphones to locate these sites.

2.1. SAMR

2.1.1. Modification

2.2. AusVELS

2.2.1. Develop new thinking and learning skills that produce creative and innovative insights. Develop more productive ways of working and solving problems ndividually and collaboratively

3. Create interactive map of effects of patterns of migration and economic activity on the environment in the docklands:

3.1. SAMR

3.1.1. Redefinition

3.2. AusVELS

3.2.1. Create information products that demonstrate their understanding of concepts, issues, relationships and processes


3.3.1. Knowledge construction, not reproduction Learning with technology

4. Youtube Channel where students can post short videos, interviews with locals/old timers and offer comments in the comments thread

4.1. SAMR

4.1.1. Modification

5. Now and Then Photography: Use Library of Victoria Image search function to find historical picture of docklands and integrate it with a current photo of the same place with photoshop. State Library: Example:

5.1. SAMR

5.1.1. Modification

5.2. AusVELS

5.2.1. Create information products that demonstrate their understanding of concepts, issues, relationships and processes

6. Students can create a virtual tour of a specific site in google earth.

6.1. SAMR

6.1.1. Redefinition


6.2.1. Knowledge construction, not reproduction (Un)intelligent tools Developing autonomy and confidence

6.3. AusVELS

6.3.1. Communicate locally to solve problems and to share knowledge, understand the implications of the use of ICT and their social and ethical responsibilities as users of ICT