Podcast ABOUT productivity FOR people working with WordPress

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Podcast ABOUT productivity FOR people working with WordPress par Mind Map: Podcast ABOUT productivity FOR people working with WordPress

1. Topics

1.1. Productivity (examples)

1.1.1. Productivity tips from notable WP devs/designers

1.2. Tools (examples)

1.2.1. Code editors

1.2.2. GitHub for project management

1.3. Workflows (examples)

1.3.1. Interviews with people from WP agencies on what their workflow looks like

1.3.2. Onboarding process in WP agencies

1.3.3. Client management for freelancers

2. Format

2.1. One on one interviews

2.2. Up to 20 minutes

2.3. Once every two weeks

3. Interviewees

3.1. WordPress people

3.2. Productivity bloggers/podcasters (later)