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Transmedia par Mind Map: Transmedia

1. Movies

1.1. Comicbook/superhero genre e.g. Marvel

1.2. Batman: The Dark Knight

1.3. The Matrix

1.4. Prometheus

1.5. A.I.

1.6. Star Wars

1.7. Pandemic (short film)

1.8. District 9

1.9. Romanzo Criminale

2. 'Offline' products

2.1. Toys

2.1.1. Figurines

2.2. Clothes

2.3. Other branded merchandise

2.4. Sometimes necessary to buy for codes to unlock narrative

3. Games

3.1. Serious Games

3.1.1. World Without Oil

3.1.2. Conspiracy for Good

3.1.3. Urgent Evoke

3.1.4. America 2049

3.2. Alternate Reality Gaming (ARG)

3.2.1. Perplex City

3.2.2. ilovebees

3.2.3. The Beast

3.2.4. Cathy's Book

3.2.5. lonelygirl15

3.2.6. Link to ARGNet

3.2.7. Year Zero ARG

3.3. Video games

3.3.1. Assassin's Creed

3.3.2. Tomb Raider: Underworld

3.3.3. Video games of comic books e.g. Batman

3.3.4. Halo 2

3.3.5. Dragon Age

4. e-Publishing

4.1. Experiments with format and form

4.2. Digital 'reading enhancements' - book apps for additional content/context. Video, interactive maps, narration

4.3. New Media writing e.g. hypertext novels, twitter stories

4.3.1. The Fallen Cycle

5. Transmedia Marketing

5.1. Digital Marketing

5.1.1. Audi's Art of the Heist

5.1.2. Toyota's Your Other You

5.1.3. Ford Focus Rally

5.1.4. Mazda's 33 Keys

5.1.5. Levi's Jeans

5.1.6. Covet (perfume)

5.1.7. Stella Artois

5.1.8. Old Spice

5.1.9. Wrigley's Mission Icefly

5.2. Viral and guerilla marketing

5.3. Offline marketing

6. Comic books and graphic novels

6.1. Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones

6.2. Iron Man

6.3. Sin City

7. Definitions

7.1. "A hybrid mix of complementary entertainment offerings that span several types of media" LaPlante, 1999.

7.2. "...Integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes it own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story" - Henry Jenkins, 2003.

7.3. "The trans part of transmedia is that the designer transforms and transcends media categories, and by so doing, creates new media categories" - Nick Hafermas, 2013.

7.4. West Coast (Hollywood/ franchise transmedia consists of multiple big pieces: feature film, video game etc, grounded in big business commercial storytelling, e.g. Star Wars) vs. East Coast transmedia (more interactive, web-centric, based on traditions of indie film/theatre, & interactive art, reliant on social media, time-bound rather than persistent, need to seek out whole all pieces to experience whole story, e.g. Pandemic) - Andrea Phillips, 2012.

7.5. Producers Guild of America: "three stories told via three distinct media" - in Andrea Philips, 2012.

7.6. Marsha Kinder early mention...

8. Teaching transmedia

8.1. See Henry Jenkins' syllabus

8.2. As concept

8.3. As practise

8.4. As teaching method

8.4.1. Game based learning Blended learning Inanimate Alice

8.5. Awareness raising/activism

8.5.1. Paulo Cirio Collapsus See article by S Costaza Chock, IAMCR 2011 - Trasmedia mobilization/immigrant rights in LA

8.6. In psychotherapy

9. Music

9.1. Gorillaz

9.2. Nine Inch Nails

9.3. Joanna Lee (Swedish)

9.4. Thomas Dolby

9.5. Linkin Park

9.6. Jay-Z


10. Theatre and performing arts

10.1. Sleep No More

10.2. Accomplice

11. BIG QUESTION: Transmedia as a marketing tool or artistic expression in its own right (business case/ creative vision)? Probably bit of both? Where's the distinction?

12. Transmedia revenue models

12.1. ISSUES: majority of audience don't have enough time to delve into immersive transmedia narratives. Developers need to plan projects accordingly. Games may only be a minority interest. Best examples of transmedia not all featured in mainstream press.

13. Print novels

14. The performance of self online as a form of transmedia storytelling (e.g. photos on social networks, home videos, persona creation, positioning oneself in a narrative semi-imaginary fashion). Mediated identity. Real life as medium. Relates to ARG.

15. TV Series/ Shows

15.1. Lost

15.2. Doctor Who

15.3. Sherlock

15.4. Slide

15.5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer

15.6. Heroes

15.7. The Office

15.8. How I Met Your Mother

15.9. MTV's Valemont

15.10. Numb3rs

15.11. Game of Thrones

15.12. Blogs for characters: Monk, Psych, Covert Affairs

15.13. WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment)

16. Critical perspectives

16.1. Conceptual and artistic: a chance to explore the interference and interactions between corporeal, virtual, spatial and temporal concepts. Materiality and media reimagined or repositioned.

16.2. Socio-political: Further extension and embedding of capitalist/consumer culture, aimed primarily at children and youth. Transmedia as product diversification, branding, market expansion. Flipside: breaking reality through fiction. Transmedia as tactic.

17. Internet

17.1. Videos: trailers, additional content

17.2. Social media

17.3. Fan fiction sites

17.4. Discussion forums

17.5. Online TV adaptations

17.6. Search engines

17.7. Websites/flash exhibitions, stories or artworks

18. Art

18.1. Fan art

18.2. Interactive exhibitions

18.3. Avant-garde approaches

18.3.1. Sharon Daniel - Public Secrets

18.4. Museum/gallery mobile apps

18.5. Design/art/curation mix

19. Transfiction

19.1. Fictional narratives using transmedia

19.1.1. Cathy's Book

19.1.2. First Among Sequels

19.2. Multiple entry points

19.3. Recombinant fiction

19.4. Intertextuality

19.5. Twitter and SMS fiction

19.5.1. Cthalloween

19.5.2. The Tallking Dead

19.5.3. #SXStar Wars

19.5.4. The Chatsfield

20. Related terms

20.1. Pervasive media

20.2. Multimedia

20.3. Multiplatform content

20.4. Deep media

20.5. Immersive storytelling

20.6. Cross-media

20.7. Dispersed media

20.8. Interactive fiction

20.9. Post-structuralism

20.10. Intertextuality

20.11. Tentpole TV

20.12. Unstable media

21. Notable theorists and practitioners

21.1. Henry Jenkins: Convergence Culture (2006); Spreadable Media (2013)

21.2. M.J. Clarke: Transmedia TV (2013)

21.3. Simon Pont

21.4. Paolo Cirio

21.5. Jane McGonigal: Reality is Broken. Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World.

21.6. Christy Dena: Transmedia Practice: A Collective Approach (2014)A Creator’s Guide to Transmedia Storytelling (2012) and Director of Universe Creation 101

21.7. Boris Debackere: reactive installations and live cinema

21.8. Carlos Scolari: Crossmedia Innovations (2012); Lostology

21.9. Robert Pratten: founder of Transmedia Storyteller - an online service for interactive, social and pervasive cross-platform entertainment and marketing.

21.10. Andrea Phillips: A creator's guide to transmedia storytelling (2012)

21.11. Elizabeth Evans: Transmedia TV (2011)

22. Cinema

22.1. Locative cinema ('geo location' based)

22.2. Expanded cinema

22.3. Live cinema

23. Locative narratives

23.1. Art

23.1.1. Jejune Institute

23.2. Mobile applications

23.2.1. Urban Sleuth

23.2.2. Eagle Eye: Free Fall

23.2.3. Zombies, Run!

24. Key terms/ 'Ingredients'

24.1. Storyworlds ('worldbuilding')

24.2. Characters (multi-layered, believable)

24.3. Boundaries between real world and fictional world

24.4. Audience/ users/ participants

24.5. Backstory & exposition

24.5.1. Using bonus material that didn't make final cut

24.6. Narrative/ conflict

24.7. Plot/ Tension

24.8. Setting/ mood

24.9. Theme

25. Radio

25.1. On refait le match (Let's Relive the Match

25.2. The Flickerman