Feuille de Route pour Entrepreneurs Sociaux

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Feuille de Route pour Entrepreneurs Sociaux par Mind Map: Feuille de Route pour Entrepreneurs Sociaux

1. À propos de cette Feuille de Route

1.1. Cette Feuille de Route n'est pas protégée par des Droits d'Auteurs

1.1.1. Cette Feuille de Route est inspirée des travaux de George Kao et est sous licence Creative Commons par: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Vous pouvez la partager, la modifier, l'adapter, et même la vendre. Nous vous demandons seulement de mentionner celui qui l'a créée. Merci!

1.2. Comment obtenir de l'accompagnement ou du Coaching pour mettre en pratique cette Feuille de Route.

1.2.1. Joignez-vous à notre groupe Facebook pour poser vos questions: https://www.facebook.com/groups/movezaction/

1.2.2. Entamez une démarche de Coaching avec Jean-Philippe Vézina: http://www.movezaction.com/PromotionCoachingMovezAction_08-2014.html

1.3. Dernière mise à jour: 21 août 2014 Inscrivez-vous à l'Infolettre de Coaching MovezAction pour être informé des mises à jour: http://www.movezaction.com

1.3.1. For more of George Kao's free content, visit: http://GeorgeKao.com/free

2. Comment utiliser cette Feuille de Route?

2.1. Pour utiliser cette Feuille de Route, cliqué à n'importe endroit sur la carte et délacez-la avec votre curseur.

2.2. Pour chaque section, vous allez trouver plusieurs symboles "+". Cliquez dessus afin d'obtenir davantage de détails sur le sujet à explorer.

2.2.1. Comme ça... ;)

2.2.2. Afin de faciliter la navigation, vous devriez toujours fermer les sous-sections que vous n'utilisez plus.

2.3. Ce que vous devez savoir pour utiliser cette Feuille de Route

2.3.1. Creating a Simple Livelihood is primarily about 2 activities: Visibility and Matching. You'll see those on the left side of the map.

2.3.2. Which set of activities to start first? Right now in your life, which one is more important: Self-Expression or Earning Money. If the former, take the Artist's Path. If the latter, take the Entrepreneur's Path. (Down the road, they may merge anyway.) If you're not sure: The sooner you need money, the more you should choose the Entrepreneur Path -- or go get a job or find other ways to support yourself so that you can work on your True Livelihood without financial desperation. The less urgent the need for money, the more you can choose the Artist Path, as that will tend to be more fulfilling. Note: It's not that you won't have both... because when done well, the 2 paths eventually merge. But if one priority (money or meaning) is more important for you right now, choose that path. Nuances For a whole presentation on Artist vs Entrepreneur's path, click here: http://www.ourhighestwork.com/11.html

2.4. N'hésitez pas à partager cette Feuille de Route avec vos amis, vos collègues et les membres de votre réseau

2.4.1. Voici le lien à leur envoyer: http://www.movezaction.com/FeuilleDeRoute.html

3. Les Habitudes de vie

3.1. Gestion financière

3.1.1. Visionnez la formation sur la Gestion Financière offerte par George Kao: http://georgekao.com/conscious-money-flow

3.2. Marketing

3.2.1. Habitudes pour la Création et la Diffusion de contenu For some inspiration on creating content regularly, read this article: "How Writing 1,000 Words A Day Changed My Life" -- http://j.mp/1jh7nu8 This includes your Email List Strategy (a node in Visibility) For more info, see the Mindmap about Online Content Distribution: http://www.mindmeister.com/411511108

3.2.2. Habitudes pour l'organisation de Lancements If you're taking the Entrepreneurial Path and trying to figure out what to launch, it's ok to do several "paper airplane" launches in a row, maybe every 4-6 weeks By "Paper Airplane" launches I mean this: when you make & fly a paper airplane, it doesn't take long, and if it crashes, it's no big deal -- just adjust the plane a bit and try again. Versus: having a baby...it's a life-or-death type situation and you put so much of your identity into the new baby. Don't make launches like that. For some inspiration on creating content regularly, read this article: "How Writing 1,000 Words A Day Changed My Life" -- http://j.mp/1jh7nu8 Once you have launched something that enough people are buying, I would recommend launching every 3-6 months ... not too long that they forget about your Offer, and not too short that you're being too salesy. How often to launch? Begin with trying every 6 weeks, see if it feels too long, or too frequently How intensive the launch? Begin with 2 solo promo emails to your list and 2 social media postings Later you can add more -- keep experimenting with what intensity and pieces of the launch work best for you and your audience How unique is the Free Thing given in the launch? For a list of things you could give (1 or 2 each launch) check out: https://medium.com/@georgekao/offer-formats-dacb6bf576be The more unique the free thing is compared to the previous launch (or 2 launches) the less likely your audience will feel tired of your launches

3.2.3. Habitudes de Mariage Experimenting with Matching activities you haven't tried (in a while) Doing the Matching activities regularly that you find helpful

3.2.4. Expérimenter la Visibilité Experimenting with Visibility activities you haven't tried (in a while) Activities that you like, put into your Rhythm of Content

3.2.5. Son réseau de partenaires de référencement See the "Referral Strategy" branch in Visibility

3.2.6. Mettre à jour ses Indicateurs de Crédibilité Your Client Case Studies Other items in "Credibility Indicators" branch in "Matching"

3.2.7. Amélioration continue de la qualité visuel de vos sites Web et de vos designs graphiques As you browse the web regularly, start bookmarking the websites whose design you enjoy the most. Whenever you're updating your website, go back to those bookmarks, and for inspiration, visit 3 of those sites. For each site you visit, just pick 1 design thing you could try emulating on your own website For graphic or website design help (or tutoring!) find people at: http://fiverr.com or http://oDesk.com

3.2.8. L'Éthique dans votre stratégie Marketing Always, always come back to the heart of service, of love. Catch yourself doing any Visibility activity for money, or for popularity, or for acceptance... and bring yourself back to passionate caring and service. Because if you don't, you will always be frustrated when any action you take isn't getting the "likes" or comments or sales that you want. Something will never feel right in your marketing because you know you have an ulterior motive that you aren't being transparent with your audience about. Just remove that motive when it comes to most (or all, if you can) of your Visibility activities. Instead, remember that Marketing is about experimentation: if you are truly serving people's wants, they will let you know. If you're not hearing anything back, you need to notice what content they *are* responding to, and share more of that -- within the bounds of your integrity and passion.

3.3. Productivité

3.3.1. Mindset Management Manage your influences What newsletters are you reading? What Facebook groups are you part of? Who do you get together with regularly? For each of the above, ask yourself: Am I excited to read/check-in with that source regularly? Does it have an inspirational & empowering effect on me? Is it influencing me toward values I want? If not, drop that influence and find a better alternative -- there always is! Regular reading of inspiring/empowering books Be part of online group(s) where you are seeing others take actions that you want to take. It cannot be emphasized enough: the people you come in contact with (even online) influence what you believe is possible about yourself too. Understanding that Life is about experimentation, not perfection: “Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." ~ Emerson Remembering that *how* we reach success is even more important than the success itself: http://calnewport.com/blog/2014/06/21/the-concrete-satisfaction-of-deep-work https://medium.com/@georgekao/do-the-ends-ever-justify-the-means-60ada7472485 Study and practice Resilience: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_resilience Study & practice Learned Optimism: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Learned_optimism Study & practice Constructive Living: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgeKao/activity/10102762160974073 Great book: "The Practicing Mind" https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/335864.The_Practicing_Mind

3.3.2. Gestion du Temps Your ideal weekly schedule Sample time budget here: http://j.mp/SLoJbP Your morning (pre-work) & evening (post-work) routines Your routines for starting and ending your work day Here are mine: http://j.mp/1qfIrL1 Practicing time awareness Start by tracking 1 hour a day, moving up to tracking as many hours as is sustainable for you. Do this a few weeks a year or as needed to sharpen your time awareness. Set a timer before you start a work hour. Write down what you intend to accomplish during that hour. When the hour is complete, write down what you did accomplish. Set a timer for your potentially time-wasting activities, e.g. surfing Facebook or checking Email. Working in smaller time chunks Pomodoro Technique: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pomodoro_Technique Instead of the physical items (which I can see that it would help habit creation) I use online tools: Timer: http://e.ggtimer.com Task manager: http://toodledo.com Practicing saying "no" gracefully An opportunity that is meant for you will not pass you by. It will find other ways to reach you. Working less and setting good time boundaries, so that you'll naturally focus more at the times you DO work. George Kao's free productivity training here: http://georgekao.com/joyful-productivity

3.3.3. Gestion de son Énergie Having regular recovery breaks -- several times per working day I share my routine in the blog post "Green Yellow Red" -- http://j.mp/1tZ47IL Smiling and breathing Build a habit of catching yourself with a stern face during the day (e.g. working intensely on a project, or worrying about something) and relax your face... bring a gentle smile to your face, and breathe deeply and gently. Your exercise routine Your diet Getting enough sleep A great post from my hero Leo Babauta, called The Incredible Importance of Sleep for Habits & Motivation: http://zenhabits.net/get-sleep/ I always take a 15 minute nap after lunch. Your on/off times for your Computer Your spiritual daily practice(s) Meditation Prayer Positive social interaction It's proven to make you healtheir and happier: https://www.facebook.com/GeorgeKao/posts/10103063384404903 To meet new kindred spirits, check out http://meetup.com Other energy practices Tapping NLP Your physical space clutter-clearing & organization Having recurring alarms for various reminders

3.3.4. Gestion de ses Projets Practice organizing your plans. Tools include... using a Mindmap Slim List Divide your Project into as many Stages or Steps you need... such that any 1 step does *not* feel overwhelming to you, even if the whole project does. Put an estimated time next to each step -- how much time you think it takes to complete it. Every new project means that you will be learning how long things take ... and if you are new to that activity, it usually takes longer than you imagine (or have been sold to believe.) That's ok. What's important is that you DO the stuff so you learn, and get faster as you get better at new skills. "The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." ~Mark Twain Overcoming Procrastination Mindset 5-minute quick start Content Management Try organizing into 3's

3.3.5. Apprendre les technologies Web Now that the world's knowledge is online -- you can find and learn almost anything for free Here's my video showing you how to find free online tutorials for technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qwSZab5YCw

3.4. Service

3.4.1. État d'esprit à cultiver pour offrir le meilleur service à vos clients A must read & ponder for every biz owner: http://sivers.org/cs (Derek Sivers on the philosophy of customer service)

3.4.2. Checklist avant et après une rencontre avec vos clients Do you have a checklist to look at before a Client appointment? After each Client appointment, write down 1 thing you can do better next time

3.4.3. Habitudes pour cultiver et améliorer sa façon d'obtenir des feedbacks de ses clients. For example, about 1/3rd of the way through my Coaching Program, the following survey is what I send to my Clients: http://j.mp/1iWbWdL Take the feedback you get and even if you just improve 2 or 3 things, that's better than not getting feedback!

3.4.4. Habitudes pour être maître dans l'art d'offir ses services (même s'il faut les offrir gratuitement) Have a regular rhythm of doing the actual "work" e.g. doing your coaching sessions -- even if you have to do them for free -- so you build your skills and referral base. If need more sessions, consider barter with your own network. To utilize the Our Highest Work group to do this: 1. If you haven't yet joined the Our Highest Work facebook group, join it for free: http://ourhighestwork.com/community 2. Once you've joined and been approved, click on this link -- http://j.mp/1pdhp6U -- and comment there.

3.4.5. Productive Learning Don't just learn to gather information. You could do that too much and take too little action. If it's info your clients need: Gather it into a document or mindmap... ...and be clear on *when* you will deliver it to them... ...and try to make it digestible. Improving your content: http://www.mindmeister.com/388449576 If it's info for your own business or skills: Bookmark it -- you can always come back to it. In your self-improvement time, look at what you've bookmarked (or google a skill gap you currently have) and aim to just take away 1 or 2 ideas to implement right away. Improving your Coaching Skills: http://www.mindmeister.com/348659483

3.4.6. Consider a % of your time serving for free: http://www.startupbozeman.com/blog/give-with-no-intention-of-getting-anything-in-return/

3.5. Habitudes à contrer

3.5.1. Consultez ses comptes Facebook plus de 2 fois par jour. And for those of you who don't check it even that often, it's fine to check it 1-2x per week.

3.5.2. Faire le ménage de ses boîtes de courriels plus d'une fois par jour It's fine to *check* your email every hour for urgent & important messages, but it's more productive to respond to everything (again, what's not urgent and important) at *end* of your working day. More email productivity advice here: https://medium.com/@georgekao/cf6f959e0916

3.5.3. Passer plus de temps à faire des recherches sur le web, qu'à développer son propre contenu et/ou à mobilier son réseau. The truth is that the best learning, the truest learning, comes from doing, making mistakes (ALL of which are recoverable), and doing differently the next time... and doing just a bit of research WHILE you are doing things, to figure out a specific process. The truth also is that if it is IMPORTANT to you, truly important, it will come up again ... the Universe will bring the right people to give you that information when you truly need it.

3.5.4. Voici quelques conseils de George Kao pour apprendre à se débarrasser de mauvaises habitudes. https://medium.com/@georgekao/b6c1837ebb35

4. La Voie Artistique

4.1. Instructions pour emprunter la Voie Artistique

4.1.1. Pour cette Feuille de Route, le terme Artiste = quelqu'un qui souhaite concentrer ses énergies sur ses passions et intérêts personnels - plutôt que de se concentrer sur les besoins et attentes du marché.

4.1.2. Pour l'Artiste, la stratégie consiste à réaliser des activités de Visibilité afin d'atteindre et le plus grand nombre d'auditeurs avec leur contenu - de la façon la plus généreuse et mesurable possible. De cette façon, vous allez rejoindre vos véritables supporteurs Ensuite, vous pourrez enchaîner avec les activités de Mariage afin de commercialiser votre contenu et vos produits/services. Vous aurez besoin d'une centaine de supporteurs pour arriver à générer des revenus suffisant pour faire décoller votre projet d'affaires.

4.1.3. Pour avoir du succès avec la Voie Artistique, vous devez offrir et diffuser un contenu authentique qui vous représente et de la façon la plus généreuse possible.

4.2. Étape 1: Clarifier sa voie unique (3 Mois)

4.2.1. Travaillez à développer régulièrement du contenu en lien avec vos passions et vos force afin de mieux les apprivoiser. Combinez cet exercice avec des activités de Visibilité - explorez celles qui vous motivent le plus. Voyez cette autre Feuille de Route de George Kao afin de connaître les moyens et les plateformes pour diffuser votre contenu. http://www.mindmeister.com/411511108 -- Faites l'exercice avec une ou quelques méthodes durant 30 jours.

4.2.2. Commencez à développer votre communauté de supporteurs. Voir l'onglet "Développer sa communauté de supporteurs sur Internet" dans la section Visibilité. Visez à réunir un minimum de 25 supporteurs de votre projet (de votre contenu) qui échangent activement avec vous sur le web.

4.2.3. Dans la section "Habitudes de Vie", commencez à intégrer de 1 à 3 nouvelles habitudes dans la catégorie Productivité.

4.2.4. Il est certain que, "clarifier sa voie unique"est une aventure de toute une vie. Vous pouvez donc passer à la prochaine étape dès que vous vous sentirez prêt à développer l'aspect commercial de votre projet. Si vous ne ressentez pas d'urgence à commercialiser votre projet, vous pouvez poursuivre l'exploration de votre "voie unique" bien plus longtemps.

4.2.5. Aim to clarify yourself, explore your passions *in ways that you find helps people most powerfully*.

4.3. Étape 2: Explorer mon projet (2 Mois)

4.3.1. Réaliser les sections Bleu de vos activités de Mariage

4.3.2. Revisitez votre Plan de Visibilité Regarding the Content creation/distribution you tried in the previous Stage, keep doing the activities that most energize you. If you liked none of the activities, pick another and experiment again -- look at the "Content Platforms" node of this mindmap -- http://www.mindmeister.com/411511108 -- Experiment with the one or few that you pick for at least 1 month.

4.3.3. Success Habits: start adding a few small habits in the Marketing Habits node.

4.4. Étape 3: Développer mon projet (2 Mois)

4.4.1. Réaliser les sections Jaunes des activités de Mariage

4.4.2. Poursuivre vos activités de Visibilité et en explorer de nouvelles.

4.4.3. Habitudes de vie: Travaillez à l'amélioration des habitudes de Productivité et de Marketing que vous avez intégrées.

4.5. Étape 4: Lancement d'un projet pilote (3 Mois)

4.5.1. Poursuivre ses activités de Visibilité

4.5.2. Réaliser la section Verte des activités de Mariage Voyez chacuns de vos lancements comme une bouteille lancée à la mer et non comme un enfant à s'occuper.

4.6. Stage 5: Définir mes besoins financiers (1 mois)

4.6.1. En fonction des résultats de votre lancement et des améliorations à apporter à votre projet, déterminer son revenu idéal. The community of fans and clients that you've built in the previous stages. Referral partners: see "Your Referral Strategy" in the Visibility node.

4.6.2. Poursuivre ses activités de Visibilité

4.6.3. Chercher à limiter ses activités commerciales

5. La Voie Entrepreneuriale

5.1. Instructions pour emprunter la Voie Entrepreneuriale

5.1.1. The term "entrepreneur" as used in this mindmap = someone who intends to observe and cater to the market's wants/needs, to ensure income (money) growth sooner.

5.1.2. The more you talk to actual people about your topic, the more insights you have on what to make for them. And the more you actually solve their problems, the more people will be willing to pay you for your service/product. To succeed on the Entrepreneur's Path, stay close to what the market wants.

5.2. Étape 1: Explorer mon projet (1 Mois)

5.2.1. Look at the "Matching" node and do the blue activities.

5.2.2. Create Visibility Plan Pick some methods from the activities in the Visibility node. Experiment with doing these for at least 1 month.

5.2.3. Look at the "Success Habits" node. Begin creating 1-3 *small* habits in the Productivity category.

5.2.4. The time difference between "Explore Offer" in Entrepreneur's Path vs. Artist's Path is that the entrepreneurial mindset tends to act more quickly when it comes to creating an offer (product or service)

5.3. Étape 2: Développer mon projet (2 Mois)

5.3.1. Go to the Matching node and do the yellow activities.

5.3.2. Revisit your Visibility Plan Regarding the visibility methods you tried in the previous Stage, keep doing the activities that most energize you. If you liked none of the activities, pick another few from the Visibility list and experiment again. Experiment with doing these for at least 1 month.

5.3.3. Success Habits: start adding a few small habits in the Marketing Habits node.

5.4. Étape 3: Lancement d'un projet pilote (3 Mois)

5.4.1. Go to the Matching node and do the green activities. Think of each Offer launch as throwing a paper airplane, not having a baby!

5.4.2. Keep doing your Visibility activities and experimenting more as needed.

5.4.3. Success Habits: solidify the Productivity and Marketing habits you started.

5.5. Étape 4: Définir ses besoins financiers (1 Mois)

5.5.1. Create your desired income based on launching an improved program to: The community of fans and clients that you've built in the previous stages. Referral partners: see "Your Referral Strategy" in the Visibility node.

5.5.2. Continue your Visibility activities.

5.5.3. Aim to limit your commercialism For the greatest fulfillment -- for True Livelihood -- aim to limit your commercialized working time to 50% or less. In the 50% or more of your working time, offer your Content freely to the world -- with infinitely scalable tools such as Medium.com and Youtube.com, with no strings attached other than the fact that you are building a loyal fanbase!

5.6. Stage 5: Étendre la portée de sa Niche (3 Mois)

5.6.1. Combine more of your truest passions into your business by launching another program, or a combined, broader program. Example: I started 5 years ago with Social Media Coaching -- there was a clear market for it -- then launched a separate program (Webinar Method -- also clear market) -- then now I've combined my deeper passions of personal development, spiritual growth, world betterment, into my marketing coaching skills and created the True Livelihood Coaching Program: http://georgekao.com/coaching

6. Trucs et Astuces

6.1. Technologies

6.1.1. "What if I keep being challenged with technology?"

6.1.2. Get better at searching the net for free tutorials and "how-to's" Internet search tips: https://medium.com/@georgekao/internet-search-tips-d74d59367021 How to learn technology: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qwSZab5YCw

6.1.3. Practice and get better at hiring affordable tech help using http://www.oDesk.com Hire someone to tutor you on a technology over "screensharing" (they watch as you try to do something and correct / coach you) Hire someone to do it for you if it's too technical and you won't be doing the task very often Important hiring tip: try someone out for 30-90 minutes first and see if it's a good fit, then gradually step up how much (paid) time you give them. Additional hiring tips: http://www.mindmeister.com/436857741

6.2. Je suis un introverti

6.2.1. "I am an introvert and prefer not to be in the limelight. I'm struggling with how to manage my energy so it is not drained by my public life." There are 2 issues here that both need to be attended to: energy management habits and doing marketing activities that are aligned with your personality. Energy Management Habits: start implementing, or improving these. See the node: Success Habits > Productivity > Energy Doing marketing that is aligned with your personality: See Marketing & Sales > "What if marketing isn't fun for me?"

6.3. Le Temps

6.3.1. "I keep running against not having enough TIME." Check out Success Habits > Productivity > Time

6.3.2. "It's taking longer than I expected..." Whichever marketing method(s) you select, there is *always* a learning curve. So don't expect to get amazing feedback the right the first, second, third, maybe even fourth times. Know it as a learning process; practice it as a new skill, keep experimenting and observing, and you *will* become a master at it. Be an optimist about what's possible, a pessimist about how long it'll take, and a pragmatist ~ do something helpful today! "Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use." Earl Nightingale

6.3.3. "I have so little time to read all these newsletters / listen to all these podcasts" Unsubscribe to *all* your email newsletters except for the ones that you actually read every one of them, or at least every other one. Unsubscribe from the rest. Truly, if you need something, it will come back to you at the right time. Saving & downloading content for later consumption is a bad habit unless you actually consume that content. Otherwise it piles up. There's plenty of free information on the internet you can find from a Google search whenever you really need some info. If consuming information is important to you -- it needs to find a time in your schedule. Ask "what regular activity is less important in my life than consuming this info?"

6.4. Le Doute

6.4.1. "I'm not confident I can be successful." An interesting mindgame: what would you say to a child who wants to learn how to bike but says she's not confident she'll succeed? "I know how to bike, let me teach you the steps!" (Translation: find guidance for building the business you want to build. I hope this very mindmap will serve you well in your research!) "Don't worry, I'll be right here with you along the way." (Translation: find yourself a friend, colleague, partner, or coach -- or a community -- who is interested in supporting you along the way.) "When you try a little bit, you'll grow some confidence to try more, then more confidence, etc." (Translation: make small steps in your business to gain experience, before making bigger steps.)

6.4.2. "I'm not as good as others in my niche." But you know more than those you will be serving -- and that's all that matters. Allow others in your niche to be your mirrors, teachers, maybe partners.

6.4.3. "I should be farther along." Always remember you are already farther along than many, many people who gave up sooner than you did. Success comes eventually if you are willing to persist in your vision after others have quit. Judge a day not by the results but by the seeds you planted. Ultimately, you need to also work on your Success Habits.

6.4.4. "I'm not sure where to start." Follow this mindmap. Start with either the Artist's Path or Entrepreneur's Path.

6.5. Marketing & Ventes

6.5.1. "What if people aren't buying?" There are 3 likely scenarios: Your offer isn't truly matching the audience's wants: Work more on the activities in the Matching node, especially the Green-colored ones. This is the most likely possibility. Your audience doesn't trust you enough yet to buy your offer: Work more on your Visibility activities. Your product/service isn't good enough yet to gain referrals. Work on your Service Habits (inside the "Success Habits" node. Ok there is a 4th probability: the Timing of your launch and announcements. For example June/July/August are traditionally more difficult to launch something because people are in vacation mindset.

6.5.2. "What if marketing isn't fun for me?" Out of all the many marketing activities available, select the few that utilize your strengths, or ones that contain the skills you are motivated to develop. Then marketing is no longer a burden but instead, becomes an ongoing learning and exciting experience!

6.5.3. "Where can I realistically give a visibility talk to introduce myself and what I do? I'm having a bit of a struggle with that and feeling that people would actually attend." See the Content mindmap > Platforms > Guest Speaking http://www.mindmeister.com/411511108

6.5.4. "What if I conducted a couple of Niche Interviews, and the interviewees aren't willing to buy my offer even though I've tailored it according to their needs?" There is no marketing method I've ever heard of -- including Niche Interviews -- that can guarantee people to buy your offer. Doing Niche Interviews is the closest thing I know of to validate the market... aside from actually making the offer to them and see if they buy. The solution? Conduct 5 more Niche Interviews. Be sure to ask them whether this (offer) is something they would really buy... to be totally honest with you about what they would change in order to be more interested in buying it.

6.5.5. "What is *authentic* marketing?" It is primarily about the Golden Rule What do you see out there that bothers your conscience? What inspires your conscience? For example:

6.6. Trouver l'équilibre entre ses Besoins financiers et ses Passions/Intérêts

6.6.1. If you are on the Artist's Path, err on the side of interest/motivation.

6.6.2. If you are on the Entrepreneur's Path, err on the side of what will make money, and find your motivation in the delight of your customers.

6.7. Obtenir du financement

6.7.1. The business models suggested in this Mindmap don't require funding except for your time and perhaps a few hundred to a few thousand dollars (depending whether you outsource your activities or learn to do them yourself).

6.7.2. Funding comes from diligently following the Artist's Path, building enough of a true fan base that you could do crowdfunding...

6.7.3. OR, diligently following the Entrepreneur's Path and letting the business fund itself because you launch sooner and see revenue sooner.

6.8. Ressources Humaines

6.8.1. Do it gradually. Don't just hire a full-time assistant, or even a part-time one. Hire someone for a small project (1 or a few hours) to try out their fit with you, and their skills. Then gradually increase. You can do this more easily by hiring virtual help.

6.8.2. There is no superman / superwoman assistant who is "the perfect person" who can do many things for you. If there is, they probably charge more than you'd like to afford at this time. Instead, the answer is to first practice hiring -- gradually -- contractors (non-employee help).

6.8.3. Check out this mindmap on Hiring Well and the tools for finding great people: http://www.mindmeister.com/436857741

6.8.4. It's about *you* practicing hiring. You can definitely have a really great team of affordable contractors (assistants, tech people, designers, etc.) -- and eventually, employees, if you wish to -- but it takes you *practicing* hiring well.

6.9. Partenariats

6.9.1. When it comes to business partnerships, also go slow. First partner on a small project with a limited timeframe and see how it goes.

6.9.2. Partnering well takes practice.

6.9.3. Partnering also takes patience in continuing to be open to possible partnerships and reaching out.

6.9.4. Partnering mindmap: http://www.mindmeister.com/405633584

7. Le Mariage

7.1. "Le Mariage" est un élément clé de la Feuille de Route de l'Entrepreneur Social: il s'agit d'apprendre à faire correspondre vos passions/forces avec ce que vos clients potentiels sont prêts à acheter. Vous trouverez ci-dessous des exercices pour vous aider à améliorer "Le Mariage" de votre projet Plus vous en ferez, meilleur vous deviendrez.

7.2. Décrivez (et soyez aussi claire que possible) ce que vous faites.

7.2.1. What follows are various methods to help you describe what you do for others. Try each one and see what is most helpful to you.

7.2.2. Practice and get to a "oneliner" you're happy with and that prospective clients understand and love. https://medium.com/p/dc831a905678 First, try writing 25 possible oneliners Then pick your favorite 5 and run it by your colleagues/friends, e.g. post it on Facebook to ask your network to "vote" on their favorites, or if they have an additional idea

7.2.3. If money were no object, what would you do? If you don't believe you can build a business with it, at least do some of this activity in your free time. It will give you fulfillment, creativity, energy that can fuel your business itself. If you think you *might* be able to build a business with it, then carve out at least a couple hours a week to follow the Artist's Path for this endeavor.

7.2.4. What do I call myself? Go to LinkedIn.com and do a search for words of things you might want to do. Look at the profiles of at least 10 people Write down titles, phrases that appeal to you. Do another search using more appealing phrases Write down / hone the titles and phrases that appeal to you.

7.2.5. Have 3 Friends Interview You:

7.2.6. An exercise that may be helpful: Intuitive Niche Decision grid http://j.mp/1juUpJg

7.2.7. If you enjoy it, go to in-person meetups and networking groups! http://meetup.com

7.2.8. The more conversations you have with others about what you do -- especially ideal prospective clients -- the clearer (and faster) you'll be able to describe what you do. Not clear yet? Have conversations with more people. With enough of these conversations, "what I do" will start to roll off your tongue and you'll feel a sense of alignment and pride with it. If you're not there yet, you're either not having enough such conversations, or try the other "blue" Matching activities... then have more clarifying conversations!

7.3. Travaillez à rendre unique (ou à améliorez) votre offre (vos services, produits ou programmes).

7.3.1. Combine things into a unique offer The market's problems What's not being solved (well enough?) What's broken in your market? How could needs be met in a better way? What isn't available enough to all the people who want it? What transformation (from what, to what) do clients expect when they buy the service/product? Your strengths Your interests & passions Your values or as Jeff Goins says, your "worldview" -- http://fizzle.co/sparkline/find-your-niche-is-bad-advice Specific audience(s)

7.3.2. About naming your offer...

7.3.3. If you already have an offer, and are looking to improve it, here are 20 ways: https://medium.com/@georgekao/9de7478bc06a

7.4. Clarifiez vos indicateurs de "crédibilité"

7.4.1. Here is a list of them: https://medium.com/@georgekao/8cde81ca8f0f

7.4.2. When you're first starting, you might have relatively few -- that's ok! Lean on your existing assets and strenghts. You will build more over time. The best credibility indicators are what you've actually been able to do for clietns, and that simply takes time.

7.4.3. Create a Client Reviews page on your website. My example: http://georgekao.com/reviews

7.5. If still unclear, gather more service experience

7.5.1. If you cannot describe who you are and what you do, you simply need more experience doing what you *think* you might want to do.

7.5.2. Try as many different things as you can.

7.5.3. The mirror of other people is what will help you see yourself more clearly.

7.5.4. "Jacob started out coaching anybody and everybody. Eventually, through that experience, he looked at who was most drawn to working with him and who he enjoyed working with the most, and that's how he settled on his niche."

7.6. Clarifiez votre modèle d'affaires et votre politique de tarification

7.6.1. Clarify your financial needs, your time needs -- and therefore, what business model and income would make you financially sustainable and happy. Most people would be quite happy with a business that steadily brought $3K/month ... wouldn't that meet your needs? Imagine you had 20 clients paying you simply $150 per month. That's $3,000/month income. If you need more income, charge more per month. By diligently applying the strategies in this mindmap you wil be able to find 20 clients to pay you $150 - $500 (or more) per month. Avoid the trap of not being happy unless you're making "6 figures" or whatever is being sold to you as the goal. Greed is subtle -- unfortunately rampant in online marketing -- and draws you into a vicious cycle of grasping & inadequacy. Read or listen to "The Little Book of Contentment" which is free here: http://www.bookofcontentment.com/table-of-contents/ To figure out your ideal calendar, check out the "Balance" lecture -- video #3 and slideshow #3 here: http://georgekao.com/joyful-productivity Time suggestion More free guidance Clarifying your financial needs: http://georgekao.com/conscious-money-flow Clarifying your time needs: http://georgekao.com/joyful-productivity

7.6.2. Delivery Models You can emulate any other business' model, but always feel free to customize it to your own strengths, schedule, needs, and what you believe works best for your clients 1-1 Services Coaching Counseling Consulting Bodywork Consider offering a limited # of free sessions each month, with priority on paid sessions Group Coaching Teaching / Training Calls Q&A Calls Recorded content Private online forum Accountability Buddies Smaller groups are sometimes called Mastermind Programs Larger groups are sometimes called Membership Sites Live Events Workshops Retreats Generally, clients like packages (not just services) that help them with specific problems Not "5 sessions of massage" but "Stress Relief Package" Not "3 months of spiritual healing" but "12 Week Ascension Program" Check out the many different types of products and services you could offer -- your "Offer Formats" -- https://medium.com/@georgekao/offer-formats-dacb6bf576be (A list of things you could offer in your product, service, or program) Example of my model It's a 12 Week Program 1-1 Coaching with each Client every other week Private online forum Accountability Buddies Group Teaching Call every other week Option to be featured on my Podcast See details here: http://georgekao.com/coaching

7.6.3. How to price your services: http://j.mp/1kMJL3y Start with pilot pricing Raise it gradually & consistently, thus requiring fewer clients each time, giving you MORE time to serve the public. “can’t afford it” … have other ways to support them! (your free content, occasional balanced free help … or someone else to refer them to!)

7.6.4. Sample Yearly Plan and Weekly Time Budget: http://j.mp/1kg5KMD

7.6.5. Virtual Technologies http://Zoom.us for private video / calls for 1-1 or group Alternates incl: Skype Google Hangout More tech recommendations: http://georgekao.com/resources

7.7. Améliorez votre compréhension des besoins de votre clientèle cible

7.7.1. Do Niche Interviews How to do it: https://medium.com/@georgekao/7108e7db96db When creating a new offer, aim to do 10 or more Niche Interviews. On a regular basis, consider doing 1 Niche Interview per month.

7.7.2. Optionally, conduct a survey: http://j.mp/1n6tGVM

7.7.3. For now, create a very basic Customer Journey Map ... mainly to get into that mindset. http://bigdoor.com/blog/2013/11/01/a-quick-guide-to-customer-journey-mapping/

7.7.4. The more you talk to actual people about your topic, the more insights you have on what to make for them.

7.7.5. "Market First" http://www.danshapiro.com/blog/2014/03/market-first/

7.8. Développez vos partenariats

7.8.1. Your "niche mates" are other businesses providing similar services/products, or who serve a similar audience. I prefer "niche mate" to "competitor" because framing is very important: niche mates are often either partners, teachers, or mirrors for you.

7.8.2. Always remember: The World (especially through the internet) is so large, that there are *more than enough* ideal clients for you for the rest of your life. Therefore, celebrate your niche mates if they are successful, and learn from their marketing!

7.8.3. In your research of other related websites, note 1-2 things you want to emulate, and 1-2 things you don't, from each niche mate's marketing.

7.8.4. And how might you run your business differently? Maybe you'd focus the work on a slightly different area? Or market differently? You might do it with more transparency, authenticity, honesty Or serve slightly different types of people? Or do your customer service differently?

7.9. Créez (ou améliorez) votre site Internet et vos pages de vente

7.9.1. How to write or improve your sales page: https://medium.com/@georgekao/4589cf2ddb4c

7.9.2. My recommended technologies for website creation Register your domains at http://Hover.com Create your website using http://Weebly.com For creating an email opt-in box (and newsletter subscriber database) use http://Mailchimp.com

7.9.3. Optimizing your Website Do you know your ideal client type (it is best to analyze actual current or previous clients, if possible)? What is one likely scenario that they would be visiting your site? For example, what problem are they facing at the very moment that makes them want to go to your site for help? When they come to your site, what would you like them to do? Optimize your site based on the answers to these questions.

7.9.4. If online technology is not your strength, consider hiring some help with tech!

7.9.5. Do a Website User Interview, primarily about your sales page: https://medium.com/@georgekao/d67a2ef61d09 From the suggestions you gather, even if you just implement 3-5 of those suggestions, your sales page will be better. Remember not to get stuck in perfection, but simply aim for some progress each time you launch.

7.10. Clarifiez (ou améliorez) vos stratégies de recrutement ou de lancement

7.10.1. Launch Process Discovery Prospective Client discovers you through a Referral, or through a Visibility activity that you are doing (e.g. your blog, your podcast, your talk for a partner's audience, etc.) Lead Nurturing & Filtering They start to follow your content In planning for your launch you might create special introductory content, sometimes called a "free offer" or "freebie" or "opt-in incentive" As your audience consumes your content, you are "nurturing" them -- building trust in your brand. They are also "filtering" themselves: the ones you resonate with you continue to consume your content, the ones who don't will unsubscribe or stop consumption. Remember it's not about reaching the whole world but reaching the *right* people. Enrollment When your program is about to launch, you announce that via your various Visibility channels They find and read your Sales Page It can be very helpful to do a 15 to 60-minute call to gauge fit between the prospective client and your services. Based on reading your sales page and/or talking with you, they believe they are a good fit for your Offer They buy your product/service/program. Or if you require an application, they apply. Sample launch emails Announcement about the program: http://j.mp/1rkI7vl Invitation to free 1-1 coaching call (for those considering the service) -- http://j.mp/UejfXD Types of participants already in the program: http://j.mp/1kAfOS5

7.10.2. Launch Trajectory Level 4: Have such an excellent Match between your service and what your clients really need, and do such good service, that enough of them spontaneously refer you and fill each batch of new clients. Your service/product/program "sells itself." Level 3: Once you have enough happy clients, you will be able to ask them to refer you -- and if you make it easy to do so -- enough of them would refer to fill your next batch of clients. Level 2: Use your Visibility Plan to gather (or grow) your audience, then use the Launch Process to enroll your next batch of clients. Level 1: Personally contact as many as needed to enroll / fill a batch of clients Start with your warm contacts. Look at the Visibility node --> "Gather warm contacts" Start creating and using your Referral Strategy. Also see the Visibility node. And don't forget: if needed, there's always cold calling / emailing / individual outreach via social media. See the Cold Calling node in Visibility.

7.10.3. Launch Principles Don't worry about whether your conversion rate is average. Be more interested in how your conversion rate changes from launch to launch -- compete with yourself, not others. Measure just a few useful metrics Examples: Click rates of your launch emails Live attendees of your webinar / google hangout Views of your launch video Downloads of your "special report" Replies on your social media channels about your launch Your sales or # of applicants You don't need to measure all the above. If you don't have experience keeping metrics, just start with 1 or 2 of the above metrics and experiment with tracking it over time. With each Launch communication, be clear about the due date(s) -- if any Examples: When the program will start When the applications are due When the discount ends "Launching a paper airplane" vs. "Having a baby"

7.10.4. Solutions to Common Challenges in Launching See the FAQ

7.11. Effectuez des tests de partage A/B

7.11.1. Outils pour réaliser des tests de partage A/B Some website creators like http://Strikingly.com have split-testing available Otherwise check these out: http://optimizely.com http://visualwebsiteoptimizer.com

7.11.2. Éléments clés à tester sur vos sites Internet et Pages de vente Image d'accueil Titres et sous-titres # of times that a Call to Action button shows up on a page e.g. on a long sales page try having the button show up 3x (near beginning, middle, and end) ... versus just having it at the end. How many images you have throughout the page Whether the page is much shorter or longer You may want to test adding (or removing) various parts of the Sales Page to see how that affects your metrics If you get a pretty even disagreement between the people giving you feedback about your webpage, then split test that too.

7.11.3. Split-test your Email Campaign subject lines too I use Mailchimp which makes this easy: http://kb.mailchimp.com/article/how-a-b-split-testing-works/

7.12. Obtenez du feedback à propos de vos stratégies de recrutement ou de vos lancements

7.12.1. Asking feedback from trusted group -- or your individual colleagues -- about your launch

7.12.2. Getting courage from your support network to do it again

7.13. Optimisez vos offres afin de réponmdre aux besoins des clientèles de vos partenaires

7.13.1. This is a way to make your Offer more relevant to the real world -- actual groups of people.

7.13.2. Even having an exploratory phone call with willing potential referral partners -- ones who are a great fit for your product/service -- is very helpful: they'll give you their take on your service/business idea. Their opinion is valuable.

7.14. Voici quelques exercices que vous devriez faire après avoir servit avec succès quelques clients.

7.14.1. Clarify your "ideal client avatar" -- which group of people you are most excited & qualified to serve.

7.14.2. Track client results: beginning, middle, end As they begin working with you, ask them to rate themselves on a series of questions -- whatever questions you want them to rate higher on when the work with you is done. Ask them to score themselves again at the end of the work. If you can, ask them to score themselves in the middle as well, so you can see how you're doing.

7.14.3. Create (or improve) your SSPP story Make your SSPP story (Struggle, Solution, Proof, Passion) clear & energizing -- for you and your ideal clients.

8. La Visibilité

8.1. Il n'est pas nécessaire d’entreprendre chacune des activités énumérées ci-dessous. Prenez plutôt le temps de vous familiariser avec quelques unes - surtout celles qui vous motivent naturellement. Le plus important sera votre constance.

8.2. Faites une liste de vos meilleurs contacts

8.2.1. Who are your warm contacts? Your email "Sent" folder -- keep scrolling down and writing names of people you'd be comfortable reaching out to. Your phone's address book Your paper address book if you have one Facebook friends: https://facebook.com/friends ...the ones you actually know LinkedIn contacts: http://linkedin.com/contacts ...thes ones you actually know Any lists of contacts on your computer ... you might have them in spreadsheets, for example Truth: You have been building your fan base your entire life.

8.2.2. List them, then star them List Names (should be at least 100) For perspective, the average American knows 600 people: http://j.mp/1ldSGwe (NY Times article) Star ones you'd most like to reach out to that you feel would be a joy to connect / re-connect with Put another star next to those who are influencers / networkers -- who would likely to be able to refer you, if they truly liked your service

8.2.3. Potential numbers if 100 friends (who each have 100 friends) each referred you to 2 people on average, that's 200 potential clients (you only need 20 clients) Depending on how quickly you reach out with a thoughtful referral request, this could take a few days to a few months or more. It is up to you.

8.2.4. For more about Getting Referrals, see "Your Referral Strategy" below.

8.2.5. If you do a great job for your clients, you may only ever need to engage with word-of-mouth marketing and nothing else, to always have steady stream of clients!

8.2.6. Important: add your warm contacts on Social Networking sites. Before you add them, update your profile FIRST, so that when they visit your profile they are looking at updated information. Then add them using these links: Facebook: http://facebook.com/find-friends LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/fetch/importAndInviteEntry Google+ https://plus.google.com/people/find

8.3. Développez votre stratégie de référencement

8.3.1. Make it easy to refer you Make it easy to refer your content. Offer links to easily share it: http://www.sharelinkgenerator.com Put social media sharing buttons on your website, e.g. in the footer section. http://sharethis.com makes it easy. Make it easy to refer your service / program: put on your sales page a paragraph that people could copy/paste to refer you.

8.3.2. Client Referrals Make it easy for them to refer you: send them an email that they could just forward on or edit as they wish to. In your Application form or Intake survey, ask for initials of 3 friends whom they would refer your service to, if they are happy with the service. At the conclusion of your program, or after a few months of working with your client, ask for referrals of these 3 people. In your first call with each client, spend at least 1 minute clarifying how they first heard of you, and what got them to finally purchase your services. This helps you understand what kinds of Referral Partners to pursue.

8.3.3. Peer Referral Network Idea: barter with other service providers -- so you can serve your audience and clients better by helping them solve problems you cannot best solve. Step 1: Brainstorm a list of related services that your clients might use before, during, or after using your service If having a hard time with this, post your list of ideas and ask for more ideas. You can post this request to your Facebook friends, or in a Facebook group like Our Highest Work http://ourhighestwork.com/community or in a relevant LinkedIn Group https://www.linkedin.com/groups Step 2: Contact these people with a message about getting to know each other better to refer to one another. Step 3: If you need more client referrals, plan to have at least a couple of exploratory calls per month with new referral partners... to gauge fit. If it makes sense, barter with the ones that are most compatible. Step 4: Imagine having 12-24 solid referral partners ... checking in with each one about once a year. Have some kind of criteria to pick your referral partners. complementary biz camaraderie of friendship active networker ultimately you gauge based on whether they send any referrals + whether the people you send them are happy with their service.

8.3.4. Bigger Referral Partners Write out list of potential referrers in your existing network. See "Gather your Warm Contacts" Prioritize based on those you find easiest to reach out to Reach out with something beneficial (and free) for their audience Some valuable free content: article, e-book, video, audio, mindmap, worksheet, etc... Offer to do Guest Blogging Exclusive, Content-Rich Webinar for their audience Being interviewed (or answering questions from their audience) about your expertise on their Podcast Being interviewed (or answering questions from their audience) about your expertise on their Youtube channel Help them in any way that is relevant for them Create a Follow up schedule (e.g. check-in with them every 3 months)

8.3.5. How to track referrals / affiliates / joint ventures?

8.3.6. More ideas about finding referral partners Google doc on "Partnering" http://j.mp/1hL0shN Mindmap on Finding Partners: http://www.mindmeister.com/405633584

8.4. Développer votre communauté de supporteurs sur le Web

8.4.1. Some people call this "gathering your tribe" online. It's creating a loyal fanbase online whom you are genuinely serving, and in return, they give you helpful feedback, share your content forward, and either hire you for your services or refer you to others who can.

8.4.2. The main way is to be responsive online. "Like" the comments you get on your postings. Always respond to people's postings on your page. Comment always appreciatively, and if you can, usefully.

8.4.3. Secondarily, use tools like Facebook "interest lists" to filter out the postings from the people most important to you (friends/family/clients/partners). Here's how: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLtC5iCzL9M Comment always appreciatively, and if you can, usefully.

8.4.4. Third, you can create your own online groups.

8.4.5. However, whether or not you create an online group, do the other two things (being responsive and keeping up with your VIPs.)

8.5. Apprivoisez votre rythme idéal pour la diffusion de contenu

8.5.1. What types of content to post? Blogging? Podcast? Video? See the list of possibilities here: http://www.mindmeister.com/411511108 ...the "Content Platforms" node.

8.5.2. How to begin creating great content: https://medium.com/@georgekao/2af9f20735c0

8.5.3. How to overcome discouragement when sharing content: https://medium.com/@georgekao/6e8adfeefbfb

8.5.4. Choose the content methods that you really enjoy A short, powerful talk by Elizabeth Gilbert of "Eat Pray Love" fame Video: http://j.mp/1liTZVU Audio: http://podbay.fm/show/470616189/e/1398437571?autostart=1

8.5.5. Rhythm could start with 1 piece of content every 2 weeks... building up to 1 per week, then eventually: 5-7x per week. (You'll get faster at it as you practice, and the quality will improve.) The story of the pottery class:

8.5.6. Always remember: creating & sharing content is really about Learning Publicly.

8.5.7. I don't recommend hiring others to create your content (except to do some editing and making it look more attractive) -- creating content is about finding your own voice, expanding your own knowledge... essential to your true livelihood. It cannot be outsourced.

8.6. Expérimentez différentes façons de diffuser votre contenu

8.6.1. Many methods listed in this mindmap: http://www.mindmeister.com/411511108

8.6.2. For each one you experiment with, try it out for at least 1 month. See which ones energize you (either because you are getting results, or feedback, or you simply believe in that platform) -- and distribute content regularly there.

8.7. Joignez -vous et participez à des groupes de discussion sur différents médias sociaux.

8.7.1. Online groups -- joining and participating thoughtfully, to build more warm contacts.

8.7.2. Instructions on finding them here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMMmQCBmqXc

8.7.3. Online Etiquette: http://j.mp/1hPmKyW

8.7.4. Whenever you post something, comment appreciatively on 2 other people's postings. This helps maintain a good ratio of posting / response in the group.

8.7.5. Best Practice for posting Links: rather than only posting a link, give a summary of the most actionable ideas from the article, then give link to read more

8.7.6. When you do start posting your offers, try to make them freebies. And *even* in a freebie post, start it with some value (e.g. an inspirational quote) rather than going right into "sign up for my thing..."

8.8. Créez et animez vos propres groupes de discussion

8.8.1. Once you have participated in some and gotten a sense of how good groups work, start your own.

8.8.2. Some groups that are moderated well: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CollaborativeEmergence/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/wisdompreneurs/

8.8.3. Simplest way to get started is to create your own Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/about/groups

8.9. Stratégies pour développer vos Listes de Contacts Courriel

8.9.1. For example, mine is: Every month Monthly "Best Posts" email. You can see the archives here: http://georgekaobest.blogspot.com Every 3 months Announce an update to my "Simple Livelihood Map" (I do a Live Google Hangout on Air to teach it) -- and in that hangout I also mention the opening of my program Send an email (if needed) to say there are spaces in my coaching program, and when the applications are due

8.9.2. I use http://Mailchimp.com for email list. Some clients love http://iContact.com See other resources at http://georgekao.com/resources

8.10. Créez (ou optimisez) votre site Internet

8.10.1. Sales Page

8.10.2. "About" page Example: www.georgekao.com

8.10.3. Content page Examples: http://georgekao.com/free http://georgekao.com/resources

8.10.4. "Home" page could be any of the above 3

8.10.5. Reviews / Testimonials Page Example: www.georgekao.com/reviews

8.10.6. Contact page Example: www.georgekao.com/contact You don't have to have all these Social Media profiles if you don't want to -- remember I started out as a Social Media Coach!

8.10.7. See resources for website creation here: http://georgekao.com/resources

8.11. Optimiser le référencement de vos sites et plateformes sur les moteurs de recherche

8.11.1. Isn't all that it's cracked out to be... much of it has been "black hat" or gaming the system in unethical and unsustainable ways. If focus on SEO algorithms you might benefit in short term, but you'll get squashed in mid-term by algorithm changes, and will have to keep changing strategies to have a hope of a long-term livelihood. If instead you focus on your audience, integrating your passion with serving them well -- in other words, "Matching" -- and keeping a good work-life balance (Success Habits), you might work hard in the short term, but you'll win in the mid-term and have an easy and fulfilling business for the long term.

8.11.2. True SEO is about creating *engaging* content and distributing it widely, and letting the content-consumers share it forward. If they share it forward, you'll have great SEO. Mindmap for creating engaging content: http://www.mindmeister.com/388449576

8.11.3. Forget "link building" and think "link earning" http://www.searchenginejournal.com/guest-blogging-whats-left-safe-link-building/87197/

8.12. Publiez un livre

8.12.1. *Not* everyone needs to do this. For example, I've never published a book and don't plan on doing it for probably another 5 years. I want to further hone my ideas and practicing teaching them more, and gaining more case studies, before I publish. Don't believe the coaches who say you "have" to publish a book. Nonsense. Sure, it can help, but it is only ONE of many productive Visibility activities.

8.12.2. If you are convinced that it will give you the credibility you need ... or, you really need to write it for self-expression or to work out your thoughts... then do it, and do it quickly. Some tips for you here in this node. If you don't love to write, but prefer to speak, consider using dictation software: http://www.amazon.com/gp/bestsellers/software/229678 My mindmap about marketing a book: http://www.mindmeister.com/401083692

8.13. Autres stratégies

8.13.1. Online Advertising Problem is that it can take thousands of dollars just to test and find a campaign that works. Facebook ads Google adwords Twitter -- sponsored tweets To hire help for your advertising: oDesk search: http://j.mp/SNZJRb Fiverr search: http://j.mp/1jl2GiP

8.13.2. Cold "Calling" Before you start cold calling, first thoroughly use the Warm Contacts strategy. And the Referral Strategy Cold outreach can be done via social media 5 ways to "open" the conversation with a prospective client or partner -- whom you don't know -- on social media: https://www.convertwithcontent.com/5-ways-reach-social-media/ Social Prospecting Workbook: http://cdn2.hubspot.net/hub/239664/file-388817385-pdf/Social_Prospecting_Workbook.pdf More on cold calling: https://www.google.com/search?q=cold+calling

9. La Voie du Leadership Individuel

9.1. Instructions à propos de la Voie du Leadership Individuel

9.2. Gestion de son Énergie

9.3. Gestion de ses Émotions

9.4. Gestion de son Temps

9.5. Intégration et Transmission de sa Vision

9.6. Gestion de ses Finances

9.7. Reconnaître les Succès et Célébrer les Victoires

10. La Voie du Leadership Organisationnel

10.1. Instructions à propos de la Voie du Leadership Organisationnel

10.2. Le Management

10.3. Le Marketing

10.4. Les ressources humaines

10.5. Les Finances et la Comptabilité.é

10.6. La Mise en Oeuvre et les Opérations Courantes