5 Steps To A Profitable Speaking Engagement (Click to Read Full Article)

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5 Steps To A Profitable Speaking Engagement (Click to Read Full Article) par Mind Map: 5 Steps To A Profitable Speaking Engagement  (Click to Read Full Article)

1. 1 - Set the Stage

1.1. You should be speaking

1.2. You may (may not) get paid

1.3. It's not about YOU speaking

2. 2 - Who Is In The Room

2.1. Beginner Level

2.2. Intermediate Level

2.3. Advanced Level

3. 4 - Format Your Presentation

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Identify (and solve) challenge #1

3.3. Identify (and solve) challenge #2

3.4. Identify (and solve) challenge #3

3.5. Conclusion (call to action)

3.5.1. survey/order form

4. 3 - What Is Their Common Problem?

4.1. Beginniners trying to get started

4.2. Road warriors challenged in the journey

4.3. Experts looking for something new

5. 5 - Follow Up

5.1. Deliver free consultation

5.2. Send a free gift

5.3. Thank you note