DECIDE I am hanging at my friends house. She's in the bathroom, and I'm walking around the living...

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DECIDE I am hanging at my friends house. She's in the bathroom, and I'm walking around the living room. I stumble and knock over her moms priceless vase. par Mind Map: DECIDE I am hanging at my friends house. She's in the bathroom, and I'm walking around the living room. I stumble and knock over her moms priceless vase.

1. Explore the Alternatives A) I tell my friend what happened and offer to replace the vase. B) I hide the evidence and pretend that nothing happened. C) I blame it on someone else or something else.

1.1. Consider the Consequences A) A positive of doing this is the fact that you'll be owning up to your mistake. A negative of doing this, is the fact that you could get in trouble and you would have to pay for it. They might even let you not pay because owed up. This will affect of your friend will trust you if they find out. It would affect others because they just a vase that they spend a lot of money on. B) A positive of doing this is the fact that you won't get in trouble, and it's be a while before they find the evidence. A negative of doing this is the fact that if they find it hidden, they'll suspect it was you, and won't trust you. C) A positive of doing this is the fact that you won't get in trouble with you friend or her parents. You won't have to pay for anything. A negative of doing this is the fact that'll they'll probably find out you did it by the person you blamed. This will result in you gettting into more trouble than before.

1.1.1. Identify Your Values I was raised to be truthful and owe up to your actions, both good and bad. Considering I'm catholic, you are supposed to be truthful. Though sometimes I do lie occasionally for small things. I mostly tell the truth. I'm also not one to put my friends in a situation that is my fault. Decide and Act Considering my values consist of being truthfull and owing up to my mistakes, I would probably not choose B. In addition to this, I wouldn't put my friends in a situation like this, so C is ruled out. In the long run I would probably choose A. I would tell my friend that I broke the vase, but also that it was accident. It is then up to them to decide what to do. Evaluate the Results My decision worked out because I ended up being truthful and not lying. This has affected my life because I would be learning how to owe up to my mistakes instead of lying myself out of situations, which later on in life, might be worse than this. It's affected others, because they can learn to trust me more, because I told them truth than hid the fact that I broke the vase. I learnt that sometimes it's hard to owe up to your mistakes, because the it might have been a big one, but no matter what, I need to tell the truth. If I don't, it might come back to bite me later on. If I could had the chance to do my decision over again, I wouldn't do anything differently, because I owed up to my mistake instead of taking the easy way out.