Unit Plan / EME4810

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Unit Plan / EME4810 par Mind Map: Unit Plan / EME4810

1. Lesson 4: Earth & Space

1.1. Standards: CPALMS.org

1.1.1. SC.5.E.5.3: Distinguish among the following objects of the Solar System -- Sun, planets, moons, asteroids, comets -- and identify Earth's position in it.

1.1.2. WL.K12.IH.4.6: Formulate and deliver a presentation on an assigned topic using multimedia resources to support the presentation.

1.1.3. LAFS.K12.W.2.5: Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach.

1.1.4. LAFS.K12.W.2.6: Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.

1.1.5. LAFS.5.RL.3.9: Compare and contrast stories in the same genre (e.g., mysteries and adventure stories) on their approaches to similar themes and topics. This can be an extension of the lesson. Students can compare non-fiction and science fiction stories about earth and space.

1.2. How:

1.2.1. Scaffolding: Learn about the solar system. Why is Earth such a great place to live

1.2.2. Separate class into 9 groups (sun and 8 planets). Each group will research their planet. Compare to earth. Then each group will create a model of their planet to be combines into a large solar system model to be shown in class.

1.2.3. Formative Assessment/Final Project: Each group will write a poem about their planet/sun using facts. Poetry will be typed and published on class website.

1.3. Technology:

1.3.1. iPads Apps: Solar walk -Planets of the Solar System SkyView - Explore the Universe Star Chart Amazing Space journey - 3D Solar System Solar System Journey iLearn Solar System HD: Making Science Fun Solar System for iPads Interactive Minds: Solar System

1.3.2. Use internet for research on their topic

1.3.3. SmartBoard

1.3.4. Classwebsite

1.3.5. Microsoft Word

1.3.6. Prezi

1.4. Justification:

1.5. Prezi presentation about space, NASA, landing to the moon, space travel

1.6. iPads and websites will help students learn about their planet and solar system for when they present and put the model together.

1.7. I also want the students to be able to put into words what they learned about their planet and publish it on the class website for parents to view.

2. Lesson 2: Earth's Land

2.1. Standards: CPALMS.org

2.1.1. SC.6.E.6.2: Recognize that there are a variety of different landforms on Earth's surface such as coastlines, dunes, rivers, mountains, glaciers, deltas, and lakes and relate these landforms as they apply to Florida.

2.1.2. SS.K.G.1.2: Explain that maps and globes help to locate different places and that globes are a model of the Earth.

2.1.3. WL.K12.IH.4.6: Formulate and deliver a presentation on an assigned topic using multimedia resources to support the presentation.

2.2. How:

2.2.1. Scaffolding:

2.2.2. Separate class into groups. Each group will research and learn about a topic. Tectonic plates Mountains Canyons Caves Volcanoes

2.2.3. Formative assessment/Final Project: Students will pick a creative way to teach to class about their landform.

2.3. Technology:

2.3.1. Interactive landform websute: http://mrnussbaum.com/wlandforms/

2.3.2. SmartBoard

2.3.3. Use internet for research on their topic

2.3.4. iPads Apps: Earth-now Google Earth NASA Earth as Art Elevation Earth Maps of the World Powerpoint

2.4. Justification:

2.4.1. I will create a powerpoint explaining the earth and its levels core land formation are created, why, how the contents change.

2.4.2. The iPads, internet and interactive websites will help students withe the resources they need when researching and creating their own lesson to teach other students about their topic.

3. Lesson 1: Earth's Water

3.1. Standards: CPALMS.org

3.1.1. SC.5.E.7.2: Recognize that the ocean is an integral part of the water cycle and is connected to all of Earth's water reservoirs via evaporation and precipitation processes.

3.1.2. SS.912.G.3.1: Use geographic terms to locate and describe major ecosystems of Earth.

3.1.3. SC.5.E.7.1: Create a model to explain the parts of the water cycle. Water can be a gas, a liquid, or a solid and can go back and forth from one state to another.

3.1.4. WL.K12.IH.4.6: Formulate and deliver a presentation on an assigned topic using multimedia resources to support the presentation.

3.2. How:

3.2.1. Scaffolding: read about Earth's different water sources ex: ocean, rivers, lakes. Understand water cycle ex: precipitation, evaporation, condensation.

3.2.2. Separate class into groups. Each group will research and learn about their topic. water cycles rivers lakes oceans

3.2.3. Formative assessment/Final Project: Each group will create a model and teach the rest of the class about their topic.

3.3. Technology:

3.3.1. Watch videos about the cycle of water and the differences in the bodies of water of Earth.

3.3.2. SmartBoard

3.3.3. Interactive water cycle sites: http://interactivesites.weebly.com/clouds--water-cycle.html

3.3.4. Use internet for research on their topic

3.3.5. iPads Apps: Water Cycle HD Earth's Water Cycle iLearn: Continents and Oceans Maps of the World

3.3.6. Webquest

3.4. Justification:

3.4.1. Students will use the technology to enhance their learning visually and interactively. This will add more levels to help with the reading of the textbook.

3.4.2. I will create a Webquest to help all students in the process of learning about their specific topic and to provide resources.

4. Lesson 3: Earth's Atmosphere

4.1. Standards: CPALMS.org

4.1.1. SC.5.E.7.3: Recognize how air temperature, barometric pressure, humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation determine the weather in a particular place and time.

4.1.2. VA.5.F.3.1: Create artwork to promote public awareness of community and/or global concerns.

4.1.3. WL.K12.IH.4.6: Formulate and deliver a presentation on an assigned topic using multimedia resources to support the presentation.

4.2. How:

4.2.1. Scaffolding: Learning about the Earth's atmosphere, including gravity, humidity (link to lesson 1).

4.2.2. Learn about Air Pollution

4.2.3. Separate class into 3 groups. Each will work on creating a way to promote awareness about pollution and how we can help our environment. Example: video, speech, flyers

4.2.4. Formative assessment/Final Project: Earth Day school wide presentation: for students, parents, teachers

4.2.5. Finish the lesson with the movie Planet Earth before moving to space.

4.3. Technology:

4.3.1. iPads Appa: Living Earth - Clock & Weather NASA Earth as Art Maps of the World WeatherGeek Atmosphere Calculator

4.3.2. Use internet for research on their topic

4.3.3. Interactive Atmosphere: (copy and paste full link) http://www.glencoe.com/sites/common_assets/science/virtual_labs/ES14/ES14.html

4.3.4. SmartBoard

4.3.5. Movie: Planet earth

4.3.6. Zaption: Video Tour

4.4. Justification:

4.5. The lesson will teach students about the atmosphere, but also about ways to help the environment.

4.6. The movie Planet Earth will link all the lessons together, showing an overview about how lessons 1-3 work together.

5. Summative Assessment

5.1. Writing Quiz

5.1.1. The students is to pick the lesson which they liked the most (1-4) and write what they learned, why it was interesting. Using facts about the topic, correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.

5.1.2. Also, write about which group in which lesson you learned the most from. Why?

5.2. Multiple Choice

5.2.1. Multiple choice quiz about basic facts involving lessons 1-4.

5.3. Formative assesment

5.3.1. Use the formative assessment , models, presentation, etc