My Interests

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My Interests par Mind Map: My Interests

1. Life Long Goals

1.1. Go to New York

1.2. Go to a Hillsong concert

1.2.1. Meet the members

2. Things I like to do with my family

2.1. Go to the movies

2.2. Visit other family members

2.3. Go out for dinner

2.3.1. Wabi Sabi

2.3.2. California Pizza Kitchen

2.3.3. At Pizzita

3. Hobbies

3.1. Listening to music

3.2. Playing instruments

3.3. Playing Piano, Gutiar

3.4. Hanging out

3.4.1. With friends

3.4.2. At church

4. Things I do with my friends

4.1. Go to the Shoppes

4.2. Go to the movies

4.3. Go to parties/celebrations

5. Buisness idea

5.1. Teaching my peers music

5.2. Specificly teaching children under 13 piano