You are offered a cigarette by a friend at a party.

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You are offered a cigarette by a friend at a party. par Mind Map: You are offered a cigarette by a friend at a party.

1. Saying no, Im full, I don't smoke, It's ok, you can have it, I don't want to smoke

1.1. If I didn't take it:Friends would say"But you haven't tried it yet"or "I'm not going to be friends with you if you don't smoke" or"you're such a coward" If I did take it "See, it's nice right!" and I would have a higher chance of having cancer and heart problems

1.1.1. I don't have to follow other people, it's my life and I don't have to smoke if I don't want to smoke. My family will also be happy that I said no because they told me to say no and I believe them. My friends don't control me, I control myself. I would first say no. If they ask why, I will say because I don't want to. If they say I'm not going to be your friend if yo don't try, then I just say fine. You don't control me, I have better things to do than smoke. Because obviously I'm old enough to be able to make the right desicions.

1.1.2. I would be happy I said no because first, I don't have to deal with my friends trying to get me into smoking, second I have a lower chance of getting cancer, and third, I can live in a happier environment with new friends who don't make me smoke.