Using Copyrighted Works

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Using Copyrighted Works par Mind Map: Using Copyrighted Works

1. Academic publishing companies are threatened by the evolution of the internet

2. Copyright infringement is the least understood illegal behavior committed by teachers

3. Copyright laws have evolved as new technology evolves

4. Copyright laws protect creative works

5. When copyright has expired the work is considered public domain, therefore, it can be used by others

6. You can use someone else's work when you have their permission

7. You should always credited the source that you got the work from

8. The TEACH Act justifies the use of copyrighted work for distance learning under very specific conditions

9. TEACH Act= Technology Education and Copyright Harmonization

10. Copyright protection expires automatically 70 years after the death of the original author

11. Fair Use states that under certain conditions copyrighted works may be used for teaching, research, and etc.

12. Universal Studios and Walt Disney vs. Sony was a pivotal case in the copyright laws evolution

13. Copyrights include the rights to perform, transmit, distribute, reproduce, or modify the work

14. Copyright infringement is a frequent risk when using online resources

15. Obtain permission for works used repeatedly

16. Reproduce only the minimum amount needed

17. Use links to get to existing material

18. Copyright laws are complex

19. Make sure that the work relates to your instruction

20. Teachers may not always be able to get permission to use copyrighted works

21. After 1978 any original work of authorship is automatically copyrighted without official notification

22. Facts are not protected by copyright laws

23. Any work published prior to 1923 is considered public domain

24. Their are some legal uses of other people's work

25. Documents by federal employees are not protected under copyright laws

26. Make sure that the work relates to your instruction

27. Copyright laws are complex

28. Copyright laws are complex

29. Copyrights include the rights to perform, transmit, distribute, reproduce, or modify the work

30. The TEACH Act justifies the use of copyrighted work for distance learning under very specific conditions

31. You should always credited the source that you got the work from