About me

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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About me par Mind Map: About me

1. Thing I know about

1.1. there are 206 bones in the human body

2. Family

2.1. Mom- Patty

2.2. Dad- Robert

2.3. Step dad- Dennis

2.4. Grandma- Carol

2.5. Cousins- Jonathan, Jake, Jessica, Blake, and Bud

2.6. Step sister- Krystal

2.7. Step brother- Justin

2.8. Niece- Jazylnne

2.9. Nephew- Dominic

3. Pet Peeves

3.1. My cats licking me

3.2. My dog slobbering me

3.3. People bugging me when I'm watching anime or reading

4. Goals

4.1. Go to collage

4.2. Become a Forensic Anthroplogist

4.3. Get on better terms with my dad

4.4. learn how to drive well under Dennis'' teachings

5. Favorite singers/ games

5.1. Bruno Mars (singer)

5.2. Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask (game)

5.3. MInecraft (game)

5.4. Selena Gomez (singer)

5.5. Fable (game)

6. Memories

6.1. Wating at a assembly thing for my dad

6.2. Getting into middle school and being super nervous

6.3. Started learning how to drive (still am)

7. How I spend my days

7.1. watching anime

7.2. reading (manga and regular books mostly on my nook)

7.3. playing video games

7.4. or studying

8. Worries and Fears

8.1. not getting into collage

8.2. going completely deaf

9. Friends

9.1. Holly

9.2. Brooke

9.3. Madison

9.4. RJ

9.5. Justice

9.6. Alyssa

9.7. Taylor

10. Hobbies

10.1. Collecting snowglobes

10.2. Reading manga

10.3. Watching anime

10.4. Reading

10.5. Swimming

10.6. Playing video games

11. Pets

11.1. Cats- Midnight (black cat) and Snuggles (simease)

11.2. Dog- Mudge (great dane)

11.3. Bunny- Sam (no idea)

11.4. and many fish

12. Habbits

12.1. Procrastinating on chores