Nick Guibert

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Nick Guibert par Mind Map: Nick Guibert

1. identities

1.1. Brother

1.2. Son

2. Things I know about

2.1. Things about trucks and cars

2.2. I know how to drive farm equipment

3. Pet Peeves

3.1. Neatness

3.2. organization

3.3. thinking everyone is the same

4. Video Games, Movies

4.1. Call Of Duty Black Ops II

4.2. 22 Jump Street

5. Family

5.1. Dad

5.2. Mom

5.3. Nate

6. How I spend my days

6.1. School

6.2. Work

7. Freinds

7.1. Mason Shreves

7.2. Jacob Tuttle

8. Hobbies

8.1. Football

8.2. Video games

9. Goals

9.1. Go to college

9.2. Go to Purdue

9.3. Take over my dad's company

10. Memories

10.1. Went to Alaska

10.2. Drove my first car

10.3. Moved to a farm