Problem Students in the Class

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Problem Students in the Class par Mind Map: Problem Students in the Class

1. Francis Williams EDU653: Teaching in Higher Education (MSO1434A) Instructor: Stefanie Lassitter September 15, 2014

1.1. References

1.2. Mcklesky,Rosenberg (2010). Identifying Students with Special Needs During the School Years Retrieved from.

2. 3.Theory behind working with difficult and unmotivated students

2.1. Just because a student is difficult or unmotivated does not make them a bad student. Teachers need address the problem with the student and involve the student in their own learning process. Show them that what ever their problem is can be overcome and they can be successful.

3. 1.Recognizing and addressing problems in the earliest stages

3.1. Not all students who act out in class have a problem

3.2. RTI Appoach

3.3. 1.Students receive generally effective instruction from their classroom teacher. 2.Their progress is monitored. 3.If they are not successful, additional or different support is provided in the general education program. 4.Their progress continues to be monitored. 5.If they still do not succeed, they may be evaluated for special education services or assigned to receive these services. (Rosenberg,2010)

3.4. Find out the reason the student is acting out and not doing their work

3.5. Individualized Education Program (IEP)

4. 2.Appropriate intervention strategies for different styles of behavior

4.1. Build the students confidence by praising good behavior

4.2. If the situation is appropriate, the teacher can ignore bad behavior

4.3. Positive interaction and reinforcement from peers

4.4. Set achievable goals for the students

4.5. Have these students help the teacher with monitoring the class

5. 5.Making referrals to appropriate campus resources

5.1. There are many resources available for the students in the school. The students can use the learning center and the library. Teacher can help the student with using an assistive technology devices that can make learning fun and easy.

6. 4.Do’s and don’ts of working with frustrated, unmotivated students

6.1. Do’s 1. Promote the student 2. Give them the confidence to learn 3. Have options available in the learning process 4. Find what will help the student be motivated 5. Let the student know you are here for them

6.2. Don’ts 1. Put pressure on the student 2. Constantly use negative reinforcement on student 3. Ignore them all the time 4. Compare them to the smartest kids in class 5. Over work them Don’ts 1. Put pressure on the student 2. Constantly use negative reinforcement on student 3. Ignore them all the time 4. Compare them to the smartest kids in class 5. Over work them