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Muscles par Mind Map: Muscles

1. Smooth

1.1. Found in walls of hollow organs (intestines, bladder, stomach, uterus, etc.)

1.2. Involuntary

1.2.1. Involved in 'housekeeping' of the body

1.3. Involved in 'housekeeping' functions of the body

1.4. Lack of visible striations

1.5. Made up of thin-elongated muscle cells, fibres

1.6. Interlace to form sheets or layers of muscle tissue

1.7. Controls slow, involuntary movements (contraction of smooth muscle tissue in walls of intestine and uterus)

1.8. Single nucleus

1.9. Lacks transverse tubules

1.10. Contracts and relaxes slowly

1.11. Rhythmic

1.12. Self-exciting

1.13. Cells are elongated with tapering ends

1.14. Contain actin and myosin in myofibrils that extend the length of the cells

1.15. Sarcoplasmic reticulum is not well developed

1.16. Multiunit muscle fibers are separate, contracts only in response to stimulation by motor nerve impulses or certain hormones, and are found in the irises of the eyes and walls of blood vessels

1.17. Visceral muscle is composed of sheets of spindle-shaped cells in close contact of one another, found in walls of hollow organs, fibers can transmit impulses from cell to cell (Self-exciting), are rhythmic, and are responsible for the wavelike motion (peristalsis) that occurs in certain tubular organs and helps to force the contents along the length of the organ

2. Skeletal

2.1. Cover skeleton and give it shape

2.1.1. G

2.2. Voluntary control

2.3. Continuously maintain posture

2.4. Holds bones in position

2.5. Prevents joints from dislocating

2.6. Generates heat (vital for maintaining normal body temperature) as a byproduct of muscle activity

2.7. Some attached to face change expressions with the slightest contraction

2.8. Striated

2.9. Directly involved in breathing process

2.9.1. Dur

2.10. During contraction, the actin filaments slide inwards between the myosin filaments. Mitochondria provide the energy, which causes a shortening of sarcomeres. This causes a quick and forceful contraction.

2.11. Many nuclei

2.12. Well-developed transverse tubule system

2.13. Contracts and relaxes rapidly

2.14. Immovable end is the origin

2.15. Moveable end is the insertion

2.16. Attached to skeleton by strong, springy tendons or directly connected to rough patches of bone

3. Cardiac

3.1. Makes up the heart

3.2. Never gets tired, working automatically without having to rest

3.3. Contracts to squeeze blood out of heart

3.4. Relaxes to fill heart with blood

3.5. Fibers are cross-striated

3.6. Involuntary

3.7. Self-exciting

3.8. Adjacent fibres branch but are linked by muscle-bridges

3.9. Spaces between different fibres are filled with areolar connective tissue (contains blood capillaries to supply the tissue with oxygen and nutrients)

3.10. Contracts atria and ventricles

3.11. Each cell contains many filaments of actin and myosin

3.12. Has sarcoplasmic reticulum, many mitochondria, and a system of transverse tubes

3.13. Network reacts in an all-or-none manner

3.14. Rhythmic (contraction to relaxation)

3.15. Single nucleus

3.16. Opposing ends are connected by crossbones called intercalated discs (help to join cells, transmit the force of contraction from cell to cell, and allow muscle impulses to pass freely so that they travel rapidly from cell to cell)