Point and Click Adventure Game

Solve your problems or get new ideas with basic brainstorming

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Point and Click Adventure Game par Mind Map: Point and Click Adventure Game

1. Fawkes

1.1. Fiercely loyal. Only younger member in need of guidance that finds it in Sharon instead of Stansfield. Kindly soul, flashes of intelligence mired down by instances of stupidity.

2. Rip Zip

2.1. Stansfield's right hand man. Giant hulking brute type.

3. Mouseman

3.1. A mouse that Jericho befriends. Is the catalyst for a mini game where the mouse sneaks into a locked room to retrieve a key. Needed for puzzle solving

4. Followers of Stansfield

4.1. Young, impressionable, largely stupid population.

5. Jericho Cadberry

5.1. Protagonist - Initials are JC which is an allusion to Jesus Christ. This serves as foreshadowing to his eventual sacrifice for the people he cares about at the end of the game.

5.1.1. Has an intelligent, caring, and sensitive personality that is trapped within the body of an outer personality that he can only rarely control. The outer personality wants to do good but cannot accurately access crimes and doles out inappropriate punishments, usually in the form of beating or killing. The two have a constant conversations but they are usually too busy arguing over the semantics of Disney movies to get anything productive done.

6. Sharon of Rose

6.1. Love Interest - Named after the Steinbeck character because of her beauty and inherent toughness. She is a guard at the asylum. When she is around Jericho's inner personality has flashes of control over the outer. Both love her despite this fact.

7. Charles Stansfield

7.1. Antagonist - His name is a homage to Charles Manson and Norman Stansfield. Manson because he is a cult leader and Standfield because of his ruthless personality.

7.1.1. Abandoned as a child, Stansfield was rumored to have survived in the Pine Barrens for three days before being adopted by a kindly Piney, Elizabeth. When she became sick she began stealing cranberries and blue berries to provide for Stansfield but she was caught and murdered in front of him. From there he bounced from juvie, to jail, to the asylum. He has since started a cult where he indoctrinates similarly lost youth. His master plan is to have a Jonestown style massacre and, once poisoned, tell his followers that their salvation lies in murdering the non believers of the institution.

8. Main Characters

9. Supporting Cast

10. Driving force

10.1. Finding out Stansfield's plot. Trying to turn his followers against him is the failed solution. The real solution happens when you distract the horde long enough for the others to survive by sacrificing yourself.

11. Meeting the inmates

11.1. Sharon catches you yelling at the outside world about the goofy movie. Can see the internal conflict and comforts you. Tells you to go around and meet the other residents. You hear the back stories of the other inmates this way. Is also when you meet Mouseman

12. Getting thrown into the asylum

12.1. Sent to the asylum after the outer personality attempted to beat a teenager to death. Caught with a gun to his own head when the inner personality tried to threaten the outer into letting them go. Pleaded guilty by insanity which was corroborated by the constant, one-sided conversation that occur with Jericho.

12.2. Acts as a tutorial.

13. Main events

14. Setting

14.1. • Amanita mental institution. It gets its name from the name of the poisonous mushroom, Amanita which is nicknamed, “The Destroying Angel.” This lends itself to some form of foreshadowing as it could be the poison that Stansfield intends on using. This place is home to the most criminally insane but they have an alternative method where they allow them to freely interact under close watch from the guards.