SINAI: Wolk Hebrew

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SINAI: Wolk Hebrew par Mind Map: SINAI: Wolk Hebrew

1. Useful Hebrew Resources

1.1. Common Biblical Hebrew Words

2. Famous Words

2.1. From tefillah

2.2. From Yiddish

2.3. From modern Israeli Hebrew

3. Quiz

4. Grammar Basics

4.1. Find the shoresh

4.2. nouns with suffixes

4.3. verbs with D.O.s

5. Quiz

6. Milah Mancha Worksheet

7. Milot Mancha (keywords)

7.1. Comb the Hebrew

7.2. Comb the English

7.3. Count appearances

7.4. Consult list

8. Quiz

9. Translation

9.1. Use word list

9.2. write your own translation

10. mini essay

11. oddities

11.1. divergant translations

11.2. find surprising B/Reps

11.3. meforshim wowzers

11.3.1. Included

11.3.2. Included

11.3.3. Excluded

12. Wolk's Grammar-Jams

13. worksheet

14. Quiz

15. Vocabulary

15.1. Flashcards