Teaching good manners in preschool

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Teaching good manners in preschool par Mind Map: Teaching good manners in preschool

1. Songs

1.1. Manners (Tune: I'm a Little Teapot) I have super manners. Yes, I do. I can say "Please," and "Thank You," too. When I play with friends, I like to share. That's the way I show I care!

1.2. When You're Talking to a Friend (Tune: If You're Happy and You Know It) When you're talking to a friend look at him (her). When you're talking to a friend look at him (her). Listen to his (her) words. Because he's (she's) wanting to be heard. When you're talking to a friend look at him (her).

2. Mandy Manners Video

3. Stay sitting while eating

4. Don't interrupt

5. Be kind

6. Using inside voices

7. Sharing

8. Say please and thank you